My Beautiful Blessed Ones,
Understanding the LOVE held within your being can be difficult at times. So long upon the earth have you had to battle against the old energy that you have grown accustomed to living that way. When the old energy would push, you had to push back with such a force that it would rival even the greatest of those Warriors upon the planet. This was appropriate, because you were Warriors of the Light.
Throughout all this time, you had grown to view love in this way. Protection, battle, good vs. evil. Yet, now you are being asked to let go of all these concepts and embrace the Christ Consciousness that is here now upon the Earth.
When we speak of New Souls, that does not necessarily mean naive or first-timers. Many of us who are Indigo's or Starseed's were present in Lemuria and Atlantis, but instead of being in an embodiment upon the Earth we have existed in many life cycles as guides, Ascended Masters, Fairy Beings, Cosmic Ones, Angels, and so many infinite and varied forms.
Now upon the Earth you are being asked to once again change your perception of what you view as your reality, for if you understand that the Angelic Kingdoms, the Nature Kingdoms, The Fairy Kingdoms, The Ascended Masters, and many others are True, then you understand that they exist upon the Earth just as we do but in a different form, or, if they do not exist directly upon the Earth, then you can see how in your sleep states you are transported from one place to another for your learning and growth.
You are starting to realize that when you close your eyes, the inner reality is just the same as the outer reality and so your thoughts are becoming much more important as they are beginning to evolve into a much Higher form. Some of you are even able now to easy move out of your physical reality and travel in your Light Bodies as you are realizing the multidimensional nature of your being.
So at this time many Souls that have existed in other places or have been in the inner planes are choosing to incarnate as their Soul Group upon the Earth. Being multidimensional in nature they do not exist in what you have called "The Self", but rather are an energy that is necessary to ground. Having not existed on the Earth for many life cycles, these beings that are Family and your Loved Ones, have a new and fresh perspective that is unlike the Old Souls, for the Old Soul has existed in a certain paradigm for a very long time. A paradigm which does not break down easily.
What happens when what you have considered darkness pushes upon you but in this New Energy you find that when you push back with the same force you did in the old energy it is so much easier that you overcome the situation much more quickly? What happens when less effort is required for the same effect? What happens is imbalance.
The other is that while in the old energy the grid supported catastrophic events now the crystalline grid which is aligned to the Mother's Consciousness no longer supports that. Instead, it picks up more on our Positive, Loving vibrations. So what is happening to you is that in the same situation where in the past you would have had a negative reaction, now you are finding that your first instinct is becoming that of compassion.
For the rest of the year you will see that for many of you it may seem like things are not happening for you, that there are difficulties or that things are not going as you would have hoped, that is because the grid is in transition. At this time it is so important to not give up but instead continue to plant seeds. For there is a time lapse.
What will happen is that all that you planet this year and continuing into the next when the grid becomes fully aligned will begin to pick up speed, and it will then begin to quickly manifest for you into your life. Many will say that you must stop planting these seeds because there is no fruition, but in Truth, it is simply that all that you are planting is in its ripening stage, it is not yet time for harvest.
At no other time on the Earth has it been so important to understand the concept, "An so you sow, so shall you reap." For what you sow this year is of utmost importance. Keeping your thoughts, feelings, intentions, words, and actions during this year is extremely important as well as good health and rest.
When or if conflict does arise in your life if it is important not to engage it in any way. Simply go away from the conflict and go out in nature. The tendency will be to solve it, but this is old karmic energy coming up that is on its way out. If you solve it, you will be right back in it and it will never be solved. It is time to move away from this line of thinking.
It is time now to move into a place of CO-CREATION. Many might say that this is the same thing you have been doing as Lightworkers, but at no other time upon the Earth has the grid ever supported you in this way like it is now. Before, CO-CREATION was almost impossible for you were not at an awareness or CONSCIOUSNESS nor did the grid support what you do.
Now, the crystalline grid supports everything you do. Absolutely everything. So, now is the time for responsibility, for determination, and for change.
This is what you were waiting for Lightworker, Light Being, for a time when the grid would support you. Have FAITH for there has been no other time on the Earth when the Family of Archangel Michael was Truly able to support you this much WE ARE THE NEW WAVE.
This is our time, the INDIGOS, THE STARSEEDS, THE NEW WAVE and our color is not blue, its pink. The Message is, "whatever does not create Unity must go." This year, it might seem like that is not the case because it is not just time, but watch for it. Half-way into next year, watch for the New Wave to come in, for your intentions to manifest, for your life to change. Now is the time to start.
But don't expect results. Not yet. Just create. Create from your HEART. Create from your HIGHEST, Most LOVING INTENTIONS, and then next year EXPECT MIRACLES. They will be there.
Don't get bogged down in distractions. Do your work. The old energy is trying to keep you from your Truth because it knows that things have change. You have changed and things are starting to get better. Don't listen to those would would tell you this is the end of the world because its not. Its the beginning of a whole New Earth, but change doesn't happen overnight.
It is your THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, and INTENTIONS that are creating the grid right now. Right this moment, and it will be your shifts toward UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that will show up next year. Watch for it way shower because while you may be working behind the scenes now next year GAIA will bring you in the spotlight. Gaia is here to support you!
It is all about BEING EMPOWERED in you. Bring the YOU into the SWEETSPOT LIGHT!
And so it is my Beloved Ones! I love you always and unconditionally.
Jaina, Ma Shakti (Ma Atmananda)
Dear Lesley, Jaina, Ma Shakti (Ma Atmananda)
I was reading along here and finding what appeared to me to be a message channeled by a Higher than 3D being with some good info, then I came to this: "next year EXPECT MIRACLES. They will be there." The question from the audience is: Why, why, why is it always "LATER?"
We have been reading this nature of future promises year after year now and quite fed up with the stalling, no matter who gets the blame for the pause, the wait, or the stall.
I/we also don't care to read that it's just around the corner, just up ahead, or the infamous, "soon," no, not in the least.
Nevertheless, this is next year and the one after the one before that etc etc. With the application of these principles that you speak of, yes all good seeds grow, but miracles as we know them to be, you have just set into our future for us once again.
I am above others opinions on whether I get depressed by someones words, but I can see clearly that others will be most depressed by this one line in you discourse.
"I AM the Love and magic of Mother Mary" Repeat one million times and mean it, and thank Her for it.
David Porter
Author of the series