The one who knows himself

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The one who knows himself

I created the site or the facebook/twitter page the brotherhood of the law because of my necessity to share my spiritual path and all I have learned about myself and the one law. I believe part of my mission in this planet is to be a bridge between that plane we call heaven and our planet earth. I consider that it will be selfish of me to know so much and not share that information with my brothers. This is my truth, my life, my mission. Just be open minded, use the information as an addition to your inner library. must of what you need to know is already there: in your soul. I am just another instrument to help you tap into that inner life. have you ever wonder why sometimes you feel so empty?lost in the crowd?you feel lonely even though you live with so many people around you and not matter how many religions you try to get involved with, most of them don't give you the answer you are looking for?That is how I felt for a long time, until I started to wake up. Now it's your time to do the same!!! Seek deeper and deeper into the self, because to know oneself at the deepest level is to know god.

The Brotherhood of the law