HATHORS VIA WES ANNAC: The Awakenings of Influential Individuals

Doreen Smith's picture



The Awakenings of Influential Individuals

While much of your collective is still rooted in the mindsets that feed the lower-dimensional experience, the Light being assimilated and given out from you dear awakening Lightworkers has leveled the playing field exponentially, and has seen events on your world tip more in favor of the Light.

Pay attention, dearest souls, to the emergence of various individuals who seem bent on helping the people and building your new paradigm. Such individuals are emerging everywhere, and it takes only willing eyes to see them to know that they’re here on your Earth and actively Creating positive change in every moment.

The Lightworkers and truth-bearers have incarnated onto the Earth and are in various different positions that they’ll ultimately use for the betterment of the planet.

Your ascension energies are being picked up on by an ever-increasing number of souls, and as has been said by others, souls in positions of influence all across your world will soon begin stepping up and speaking for truth and justice.

This is the way it’s always been meant to be, as your collective has been meant to awaken out of the illusion of separation and hatred but has largely looked toward certain individuals to feed their ideals of reality to them.

Of course, we encourage gaining personal spiritual independence and liberation rather than looking toward another for one’s ideas of reality, but at the same time, we and many others recognize that souls in positions of influence on your Earth are widely looked up to and, upon responding to your ascension energies themselves, can use the positions they’re in to help uplift and inform the planet.

Ideas that previously seemed outside of your collective ability to grasp or understand will be widely picked up and understood, and ideas that would previously garner ridicule will be opened up to. You’ll come to learn that many of the science-fiction related stories and ideas you’ve been given were based off of very real things, as you find that your history as a planet is much more extensive than you’ve been told.



