The change finally gets visible ~ Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~17.08.2013

Lia's picture

[Original language German, translated by Marc Gamma]
Remark: My translator Eva-Maria has computer problems and will hopefully return online soon!

My beloved humans, this is Archangel Raphael with a new message for you. Everything is changing with an incredible speed and the focus is on ascension. We are reaching a very crucial phase in the ascension process and we had to resubmit a given message to the channel. The whole situation has changed within hours.


Now, you will ask me: “What are the changes, that you had to resubmit the message already given to you?” and this is my reply to it: “That you have changed abruptly!” Because of the permanent infusion of light the collective consciousness reached a new level. A level never reached before in human history.

Many humans have made a great leap ahead in a direction that is nearly incredible for us. We are so proud about what you have accomplished in such a short time. We are still trying to understand what made this huge big change of consciousness possible.

Be ready to accept a new velocity and it will make you feel dizzy. We are changing in to a higher gear you would say, just to make you understand what we are meaning. In the next hours and in the next days ahead you will be able to see the change and humanity will finally understand the fact that you can’t proceed in the same way you are going on at the moment. The changes have to come now.

Finally you will see the signs of change you have waited for so long. You finally will accept that all our predictions of the past were correct and right which we communicated into your direction and that they will finally manifest on earth.

Be ready for the change, be ready for taking over action for ascension and be ready to welcome the new golden age.

Your Archangel Raphael


Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.



Mark, your monthly reminder

David Porter's picture

Am I the only one on planet that missed the show you promised back in mid-May? When you say something is going to take place in a few days and put it this plainly I/we expect to see it happen just as you express it to us. Otherwise you come under the category of a false profit, a liar, or both.

There was a time not long ago that when one would give false information like this, they would loose their head over it.

Three times within the month of May you gave similar messages as the one I will list.


"AA Raphael thru M. Gamma, 5/18/13 "Only a view more days to go and you will see the first signs in the heaven. Signs that can’t be denied or put aside. Signs that your science nor your government can’t deny."

If you cannot connect with an actual Being of Light that does have intent to assist us the human race with our processes at this time available to us for such things as ascension, and or transcribe the information with authenticity, then please refrain from releasing it to us. 

You are already a "false profit" and now I would have to intuit that you are also a member of the cabal.

May you find wisdom enough to seek the Light NOW so you're not left out in the DARK whoever you are and represent.

David Porter

Author of the series