August 20: Full Moon in Aquarius

Lia's picture

A second Full Moon in Aquarius is upon us at 28 degrees on August 20th. The first Aquarius Full Moon at 1 degree occurred on July 22nd, and I don’t know about you, but my life has been a RIDE since then. The first week of August was personally intense as I moved through a period of mourning while we passed through the annual Lion’s Gate of energies.


A Full Moon is connected with illumination, new awareness, and completions, especially when it occurs at the end of a zodiac’s sign (in this case, 28 degrees of Leo). We are courageously noticing what is ending, and we are choosing with conscious intentions to close something in our lives that pertains to our former self-identity. New pieces of you are being created, but we must be done, done, done with what we don’t want to take forward. And being done with something takes us through some uncomfortable stuff and realizations around a belief system, unconscious emotional pattern, relationships, career, or more. What comes up for you when you read this? Are you fighting for it to stay or allowing it to leave?


Intuitively, I see energies smashing, breaking, and bursting apart right now. Breakthroughs and lightning strikes are bound to be unleashed in potentially dramatic, Leo-esque ways: I don’t want to carry that anymore!!! I am done circling in that pattern, swimming in that pool, twisting in that discomfort! No way will I allow that person/belief/idea to have any power over me AGAIN! I have far more important things to create now, and I’m going to go do it! Nothing will stop me!


Annnnd… scene. Sun in Leo conjunct Mercury in Leo makes us quite audible with our opinions, thoughts, and pride, after all. If you need some wisdom and reminders around Forgiveness, I recommend this lovely article by Lois Wetzel.

On the other side of the energy is the Moon in Aquarius, which can be quite erratic and unpredictable, and you may even feel rebellious. Energetically, it feels like the need to scream out who you are NOW coupled with the dignity of self-pride and maintaining a strong front.

The balance point in the middle honors your needs without looking for validation from others and allowing them to be themselves, too. You may also realize where you have unconsciously given your power away, and depending on how much fire is in your astrology chart, you may just get lit up with emotion. This is also because Uranus in Aries is squaring Jupiter in Cancer and things can feel BIG right now as we break out of confining self-definitions.

Sometimes growth is graceful and fluid; sometimes it is wild and wacky. Assume the latter for a few days, and you’ll be able to coast a bit easier. Luckily, we still have a Water Grand Trine in effect so try to make space in your day for meditation, creativity, inspiration, and feeling in the flow with life’s developments. Make time to play and see the LIGHT that is all around and within you.

The Sun moves into Virgo on Thursday, August 22nd, and will bring in grounding, practicality, and simplicity. Plus, we are only about a month away from the Fall Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere) and this is when the Earth energetically balances itself. As always, All is in Divine Order.     


~ A second Grand Sextile is on the way! ~


I connected with many of you for a Grand Sextile reading back in July, and I’m excited to share with you that the energy will be triggered again on August 25 and 26! I recommend listening to your personal mp3 recording again to tap into those energies and reminders that are just for you. Check in with your intentions and see what needs to shift, but keep your eyes on the prize. Many developments are happening behind the scenes for your best and highest good!  


If you would like a reading, I've extended the offer because it's been so valuable to people around the world. All of the information is here, my friend.
