Twin Star of David (Merkaba)
We are experiencing two (twin) Stars of David in July-August 2013. This is the first time we have seen a Twin Star since 1996. (Please do think back to that time for reference on your interaction with the current Stars) The companion Star to the July 29, 2013 Star occurs on August 25, 2013 when the Moon is again in Taurus as it was on July 29.
What was your experience of the Star of David Merkaba Stargate on July 29?
Myself, I had experienced two previous Stars on a conscious level (ie that I was aware of and working with the energies); they were the ones on September 5/6, 2001 and November 8, 2003 (this Star included the Asteroid Chiron to complete it, so some didn't consider it an actual Star, but many did and called it The Harmonic Concordance). At any rate, my experience with the September 5/6, 2001 Star was a personal one. I signed a "Sacred Heart Contract" as described by Mary Fortier Shea (see my newsletter at the link above for details about the Sacred Heart Contract in case you want to do this at the August 25 Star). This contract was very powerful and effective in my life, as my intent truly did manifest as I set it in motion on that day. However, my joy was short lived as that Star was a War Star and of course 9-11 occurred only days later. As for the November 28, 2003 Chiron Star, it hit my chart so directly that I encountered a health issue (yep, Chirotic:) and so had a very different experience.
My experience with the July 29, 2013 Star revealed some information to me: I have come to believe that unless the Stars of David (Merkaba configurations) hit an individual's chart in a very direct way, the Starsbelong to MOTHER EARTH and HUMANITY as a whole more than they do to individuals. I realize now that the Sacred Heart Contract I created at the September 5/6, 2001 chart involved a commitment to world service and that is exactly what has manifested in my life since then.
So I have concluded that the best way to utilize the Star of David/Merkaba energies (for me, not for you, but I wanted to share my conclusion) is to create GROUP CEREMONY during the Stargate, while at the same time activating a Sacred Heart Contract that involves your desire to work for Earth and Humanity in some wondrous way that will bring you and all deep joy and will potentially help all of us to move forward in consciousness.
Again, this is just my perspective, but I thought I would share. And so, if you like, you can go back to my previous newsletters (links above) and look into how to utilize the powerful Merkaba Stargate with a group and in service to All. "In the Aquarian Age, all work is group work." - DK, The Tibetan.
Here is the link to Mary Shea's description of the Twin Star on August 25:
In the second Star, Mercury will inhabit the Virgo point of the Earth Trine - where Venus was on July 29. Mars maintains a connection with the Cancerian point of the Water Trine, while Jupiter in Cancer has moved out of range. With Mercury becoming more of a player in this Star, our MINDS, our methods of communication and also the power of writing are the focus. The August 25 Star would especially lend itself to writing out a contract.
The August 25 Twin Star is MORE CHALLENGING than the July 29 Star. Venus went into Libra on August 16 and it will activate a Cardinal Cross from August 23 - 27. Thus the Cardinal Cross energy is featured in the Twin Star on August 25. They were featured on July 29 but the GRAND WATER TRINE of July 17 was much more in effect, at least in my experience. I felt more Love and less friction at the July 29 Star.
Venus will square Pluto in Capricorn (August 23), oppose Uranus in Aries (August 26), and square Jupiter in Cancer (August 27), forming an acute, stressed, and highly-strung configuration that may require action, initiative, and strong social leadership skills under pressurized circumstances. Remember it all begins with your thinking. Watch your thoughts and you will find the power struggle actually occurs INSIDE of you and then reflects outward. So you can change how it manifests.
The personal planets Mercury, the Sun, and Mars will follow Venus into Libra, activating further waves of cardinal Grand Cross configurations in September, October, and December 2013, culminating in The Big One - an exact Grand Cross formation involving Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto at 13 degrees of the cardinal signs in April 2014.
The Twin Star of David/Merkaba on August 25, 2013 closes the Stargate that opened with the Star on July 29, 2013 - and closes the Summer of Love. The Cardinal Cross friction present in the August 25 Star is a sign of things to come, especially in NOVEMBER when massive energy pours in, encouraging breakthroughs and changes at our deepest levels.