August 18, 2013 heartlightdg
Burning Brightly
Allowing Your Soul to Shine
When we hide and try to be invisible and unseen by all we are only really hiding from ourselves.
At times, we’ve all wanted to crawl under a rock and hide away from the world. We may have pref…erred to be invisible rather than let other people see us or notice that we exist. This desire not to be seen often happens when we are feeling very hurt, angry, or simply weary of the world. And while we may console ourselves with the defense that we are shy, an introvert, or a loner, we may actually be hiding.
When we hide and make believe that we are invisible, we can think that we no one sees us even though, truthfully, we are only really hiding from ourselves. And while we may try to live life as inconspicuously as possible, we only succeed in becoming more conspicuous because people can’t help but notice that we are trying to hide our light. None of us are meant to hide; each one of us radiates a unique brilliance that is meant to illuminate the world. When we try to dim our light, we diminish the natural radiance of the Universe, and we deprive the people around us of the unique gifts and talents that we are here to share.
Stepping out of the wings and letting your light shine is actually a way to serve the planet. We each have a responsibility to contribute to our community, and we do this when we let ourselves be seen. It doesn’t do anyone any good when we try to hide. We are all beings of light and we are here to light the way for each other. When we let ourselves shine, we become a bright mirror that others can see their own reflected brilliance through, and they can’t help but want to shine also. Shine your light out into the world, bless those around you by sharing your gifts, and watch the universe glow.
~ Madisyn Taylor
As I read this message, my whole body resonated with the truth of it. I still remember in high school telling someone I felt invisible. And really, I tried to hide all the time.
Don’t look at me or call on me please, Teacher. I would sit as far to the window side of every classroom as I could, all the way to the back, thinking I was the least visible there. I would slide inconspicuously into the lunchroom, eat fast, and get out.
At home from the ages of eight to twelve, I did my best to be invisible due to my foster mother’s abuse, and then when I got older and was adopted, I did the same thing so as not to set off my alcoholic father’s anger and lectures. Being visible seemed to attract trouble, so I hid.
At work, I did above and beyond what was expected of me to the best of my ability. Quietly. No waves.
It seemed like every time I let myself shine, it was unappreciated and I got into trouble somehow. Back into hiding I would go.
It has taken me years to understand this behavior of mine and to figure out how to relax my rigid self control. It has also taken a toll on my physical body to hide- in truth, hiding and restricting myself has caused my body to unhealthily hold onto emotions that were meant to be go of, leadiing to pain everywhere, it seems. Certainly I have been unable to hide the truth from myself. Unhappiness and body pain told the truth all too well.
So every day I work on letting my real self shine. I admit, I am challenged all the time, but it is getting easier. It has not been a quick and simple task to change a lifetime (or more) of muting my light, but now I am at the point of being ready and willing to change. It’s time. It does no one any good to be like this, especially me.
I am tired of hiding! How about you? Shine on, my friends!