Jelaila Starr ~ Nibiru Update

Lia's picture

Nibiruan Council  August 19 2013

Nibiru is back in the news again.  There’s an interview circulating through the Internet from a former NASA employee now turned whistleblower.  She discusses not only Nibiru’s passing, but the plans of the “Powers That Be” (PTB) to prepare for it.  Needless to say, this interview is scaring the heck out of people.  I cannot tell you how many times I’ve received emails about it.  In order to avoid having to retype the same answer, I’m sharing it in this weekly message.

If you look back at my weekly messages (Sept./Oct. 2011) during the time that Comet Elenin came through, you will note the Nibiruans’ position.  They informed us that if Elenin passes with minor upset, then so would Nibiru. (See links at bottom)

The Nibiruans’ position was based on 2 things:

1.  Elenin’s trajectory

2.  The level of our collective consciousness.

I’ll explain.

Elenin’s Trajectory

Elenin, also known as Northwind in ancient Sumerian writings, is one of many comets that orbit Nibiru. (Nibiru is our second sun and a solar system in her own right.)  From what the Nibiruans wrote about Northwind, she is a long standing member of their solar system on a permanent orbit, and acts as a herald or messenger.  Being in a permant orbit means she will not stray from the trajectory that Nibiru, with her strong magnetic field, sets.  We were told that Nibiru follows the same trajectory.

The Level of Our Collective Consciousness

It has been said many times–and proven through the science of quantum physics–that we draw to us whatever we emote.

I was informed many years ago that our experience of Nibiru’s passing would be determined by the state of our consciousness at that time.  In other words, if we were working on our inner world, emotionally clearing our baggage, we would begin changing our outer world.  As we cleaned up and improved our respective inner worlds, the systems our outer world, (financial, political, social, etc.) would fall and replaced by more balanced ones.  By doing this work we would be moving up in consciousness.

One only has to look around to see that we are in a time of unprecedented upheaval and change. The Light has broken through the Darkness and is shining bright on our world.

The Nibiruans have repeatedly stated that their planet is a catalyst for change, either inner change or outer change. In other words, Nibiru acts much like a wrecking ball. It is my undersanding that Nibiru has aided us with our internal changing via the unprecedented number and severity of solar flares.  (Her magnetic field is putting pressure on the sun causing it to burp and release pressure, i.e. solar flares.)  These solar flares rattle the cages of stuck and locked up emotional baggage, causing it to be released.  Once released it comes up into our consciousness for clearing.  As we clear, our outer world follows suit.  Make sense?

When Nibiru passes a planet, her trajectory is determined by the state of consciousness (again, think quantum physics) of the planet she is passing. If we are already doing our own collective demolition, we will have no need of her services on that level.

Elenin, our Litmus Test

It didn’t occur to me that we would have an opportunity to determine where we stood before Nibiru came through, but we did.  Elenin’s passing in the fall of 2010 was our Litmus test.  As I said, we were informed that our experience of her passing would much the same as what we would experience when Nibiru arrived later on.  If you look at the data, Elenin passed with minor upset.  This means that we will have an easy passing of Nibiru.

About the PTB’s position

I completely concur with the NASA whistleblowers info on the plans the PTB have put in place.  They totally beleive that Nibiru’s passing will be cataclysmic.  They thought that of Elenin, too.  Because they base their decisions on 3D information, combined with a desire to depopulate the world, they cannot fathom anything beyond.

In closing, if you wish to buy into the PTB’s 3D beliefs about Nibiru then build your underground bunkers, stock up on supplies and live in abject fear. Personally, I’m not going there.  I see a bright future ahead and plan to be around to enjoy the outcome of these chaotic changes; a new world.

In service,
Jelaila Starr
The Nibiruan Council




David Porter's picture

You at the first of the the year, you mentioned that "They" said "disclosure and NESARA" would have taken place by end June. Will you seek more information on these most pressing issues for us? Thank you

David Porter

Author of the series


Cut the gal some slack, Jack

TheFlashRon's picture

You should know by now that not only linear time is, by its very nature, illusion. Besides that, the dark hats do everything possible to interrupt, delay or derail everything. What point is there in challenging this good person and risk causing the delay of more quality work like this?

Blessings on your path

The good in the challange

David Porter's picture

Ron, I am okay with being edited as I am not example of the inner perfection the I AM quite yet. While you edit on behalf of the sites, blogs, post and scribes and I continue to edit on behalf of the people, maybe we can open more doors to truth for us all.

Just to view this lady, Jelaila says to me that she is earnest in her quest and that she is in for us as well and a quite lovely appearing lady of Light.

For one to make a presumption is one thing but to post this is another issue: Jelaila of on GFP 2/22/13 "They" said that by now the major events as in disclosure/NESARA etc will have happened???

Jelaila said most of the major events may happen by now, 6/30/13 GFP " POSTED:

May the Force be with you.

David Porter

Author of the series


Roger That

TheFlashRon's picture


I am in total agreement with opening more doors to Truth and am pleased to have you at my side as we blaze the Light into the world together, my brother. Yet each must walk their own path. You cannot "fix" for example, Sheldon, and everything is working out perfectly through the Divine Plan. Everyone has a part to play in it's unfolding without exception. Yes, even those "charlatans". Just food for thought.
