The “I Am” Mantra

Lia's picture


CA – Please proceed.
Q/E – Welcome Awareness, thank you for being with us for the Rainbow-Phoenix session of August 4, 2013. Will Berlinghof is the Interpreter, Joan Mills as the Questioner and Energizer, with Lloyd Arrd also as Energizer. The Law of Love and the Law of Light have been invoked.
 Is there an opening message please?
CA – That this Awareness is prepared at this time to present a mantra for the many, a mantra of great significance and worth that will build upon a mantra given previously by this Awareness. It is the “I Am” mantra with a slight addition.
That this Awareness states that it would be helpful for those who are expanding their
consciousness to create around themselves and within themselves, a new level of
energy for their task of expanding their consciousness. That the new mantra is:
“I am the I Am that I am. I am the I Am that I am. I am the I Am that I am”.
That this mantra expressed three times, either out loud or silently, will invoke a new level of participation in the higher Divine Energies. 
It is an acknowledgment that each and every one is part of the I Am presence, that which is the God Force, the Divine Energy of Spirit. That by stating it as a triplicity, a triple statement of “I Am” that this has resonance. To repeat this triple statement three times then introduces the energy of harmonics that relates to the sacred nine, the energies of nine, for the I am is repeated nine times.
That the vibration of nine is the vibration of completion in the earthly realm, in the physical realm. It is the gateway to the higher spiritual pathway of vibration and that those who use this mantra will be invoking their own higher vibrations, their own higher reality of their being. That it is a simple mantra that can be repeated several times throughout the day.
There is no prescribed routine that this Awareness would recommend. It does not say you must say this in the morning when you awaken and several times during the day following. Rather It leaves this to the discernment of each and every individual who feels drawn towards using this mantra. It can quite literally be spoken, invoked many times throughout the day that suit the individual who is using this mantra. It could be that many will find that asserting this as one is awakening to the day itself will help adjust their energies for the day following. Equally it is a powerful invocation that can be used during the day at times when energies seem to be confusing or even detrimental, the energies of the day. That the use of this mantra will help focus the mind and the low self to the higher reality that each and every one truly is: the higher truth of their multidimensional personalities, their Divine nature, their participation in the energies of God Itself, in Its largest capacity in Its holistic nature.
That this mantra is given at this time for as the energies are accelerating, as movement is occurring, both known movement and unknown movement, the movement of Spirit. That to tune in this way to use this mantra will elevate those souls who are participating in the great expansion in consciousness that is currently underway. It will help in a most individual way for the individual who is seeking the highest expression of their being, but it also creates an energetic that is released into the collective consciousness of those individuals who are aware of their greater nature, and that by seeding this in collective consciousness through such personal statement that it also creates an energetic in collective consciousness that will make it possible for many who are approaching a new level of awareness and consciousness to tune in to the greater force of consciousness, Divine Consciousness that is at this time infusing the collective, that is infusing humanity itself.
That this concludes this opening message, this presentation of the “I am, the I am that I am” mantra.

Q/E – Thank you Awareness, that was excellent and very helpf



This is Fantastic

TheFlashRon's picture

The very instant the third mantra is spoken there is an unbelievable energy surge with an accompanied expansion of conscious awareness and peace. Nothing like this mantra has ever been experienced so powerfully before by me and the effects of this are very real. Wow.

Thank you so much FatherMotherGod for re posting Denise's TRANSITIONS re post of Rainbow Phoenix Cosmic Awareness channeled message.

Blessings, All