8.19.13 Aquarius Harvest Moon!

Lia's picture

As we enter the energies of our full Aquarius moon, which will come to fruition at 9:45 p.m. EDST on Tuesday, 8.20.13, I am already feeling the clarity and richness of its light. I’m struck by this combination, too– the word “clarity” usually implies distinct, obvious perception that is free of any confusing elements, while the frequencies of the word “richness” imply a more abundantly complex experience. Yet, both clear and rich this full moon is, which, I suspect, speaks to our increasing abilities to maintain clarity as we expand into experiencing our own complexity as multidimensional beings. (Hurrah, us!)

With that observation, I see how perfectly in synch with our own process this full moon is, for it offers exactly the clear, detached, “big picture” perspective we need NOW in order to evaluate  how all of the pieces are fitting together. And so, for the next three days, we will be able to see–

* where to make changes in our interactions in important relationships;

* how wide the gap is between where we want to be (ie, living our dreams), and where we are (ie, still longing to live our dreams);

* where we’ve “dropped the ball of our intentions” in focusing our frequencies on what we choose to create;

* where “the ball” isn’t rolling as we’d hoped, and how to role it around, through, or beyond obstacles.

In other words, this Aquarius full moon offers us the clarity of vision to see the complexity, and make sovereign choices within it. It is a “time” to take stock, for the clear light of discernment will illuminate all discrepancies between our intentions and how we have manifested them thus far, so be prepared for that! Prepare yourself by moving into a receptive state of gratitude for this window of clarity, and use it as the opening it truly is. Otherwise, you may be discouraged by the gaps that are revealed between your dreams and your “reality,” and so use this gift of vision against yourself as a damper, rather than the revelation it is meant to offer. Should that happen, it is a signal that you have abdicated your own course–so recognize it as a beeping, flashing, sign that reads “Wrong way!” Let it wake you up in other words, for you’ve fallen asleep at the wheel, and need to make a course correction.

Understand that with the light of our full August moon (the second Aquarius full moon in a row, which amplifies its effect), YOU are offered the opportunity to see the richness of who you are in a way that you have never seen yourself as clearly before…as the bright, unique, invaluable, star you truly are in this galaxy of stars we call our human collective. YOU are offered the clarity to recognize how your Light brightens our human galaxy as no other one can…to feel the joy of shining, and allow it to Light the path to your dreams.

Shine on!  ♥♥♥


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