Repost ~ The PLEIADIAN SOUL SYMBOL Used In Atlantis & Lemuria: Now Held In Agharta (Inner Earth)!

MomT's picture
Today I wanted to share something very beautiful with you!
 A symbol and a beacon/portal of Light!
For those of you who had previous incarnations in Atlantis and Lemuria the following may prove VERY special!
 For ALL who view this, you see something special within it… a key to an inner gate way for should YOU choose to recognize it.
Portal of Light OPENED via Visual Imagery:
A lot of us like to communicate through visual imagery as it is very quick to convey important information. This way important information can touch the heart very quickly!
This can be expressed in sound, color, symbols, star language etc…
The most important thing is IN the essence of the expression!

Connect with your Divine in this powerful way!




Coupled with the essences of pure love and intention, the visual imagery is fueled by an immense, powerful impact on our hearts which enables a greater expansion of healing to occur within ourselves and sudden peacefulness to emerge!



The following is a universal Pleiadian symbol which  conveys telepathically to the beholder… the notions of:



It was used in the times of ATLANTIS & LEMURIA TOO.


Allow your mind and hearts to rest on each image below and inhale / breathe deeply as you do so.


This IS the Plejaren symbol, used in Atlantis & Lemuria

 -----and still used today in Agharta--------




Now with the healing tone added:




Now with the Arcturian message added:



Finally THE Ultimate Sirian Essence added on for added informational benefit 



  • The above are Sacred Symbols unique to you, so use them in your daily day or ponder on them.

  • They are simply  Offering you the reminder of Peace, Honor, Eternity, and intelligence in your daily life, as you are on this spiritual path!

  •  Our Divine Family who assist the divine angelic work like to use simple modes to convey a deeper message!

  • The Angelicas like to work simply often in silence. But they are around you.



  • Remember your highest intentions today and live your life surrounded by beautiful things!



With the above sacred informational images may YOU enjoy the same sacred divine oneness to flow through you!



This is THE Expansion we ALL came to EARTH for!


Thank You For Reading!





Copyright © 2013 Sitara Ansari. All rights reserved.
You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains by browse to save credit is given to the author, and you include the following link at the top of the Article:   



Thank You, I needed that!

BelindaLove's picture
Thanks Be to the one who posted this. Just finished my morning Angel session, and had been feeling a lot of anger and feelings that are not honouring. I thanked them for all the miracles and synchro events, and then found this! This is very familiar to me and was very effective. Thank You Angels!

Greetings, I keep seeing 3E

Monica Jackson's picture

Greetings, I keep seeing 3E in the clouds....also triangle portals....yesterday was cloud writing all day long thanks for this...I know this sign...I feel this deeply, namaste