The manuscript of survival – part 346

MomT's picture

Aisha North August 21, 2013

As you have all been made aware of by now, much is going on behind the scenes that few of you have any detailed knowledge of. We know that this is enough to set many’s teeth on edge, but let us just say that all is in good hands, and the reason for this imposed silence as it were is simply this: you will not be exposed to anything that might be detrimental to you in any way, and that does include some of the information that is currently flashing by you at warp speed. This will sound ominous, but this is in fact merely a precaution on our side. You see, you are still under the deep influence of your human side, and as such, much of what is actually going on now might be hard to perceive, much less in a positive way, by you all.

We are well aware that this might seem to be more than a little condescending, but trust us when we say this is nothing of the sort. This is simply something that has been agreed upon from the very beginning of this operation, and it was done in full concurrence with you. In other words, before you came to be in this physical manifestation, you were all thoroughly briefed beforehand just what all of this would entail.

We know that to many of you, this will sound less than probable, as you are probably thinking that if this is true, then why on Earth did I agree to this in the first place? Well, you did, and knowing fully well what you do, you were still chosen out from a multitude of volunteers, all eager to be a part of this huge operation. But you were the chosen ones, and you are here, commited body and soul to see this carried through. We cannot thank you enough for that, but we also know that because of this ”disconnection” so many of you feel from this, the real knowledge you all carry within, sitting in the midst of all of this without any clear recollection of ever being told what it would truly be like, is not an easy task to carry out.

But you are all doing your part in this complicated maneuver, just as we are doing ours, and at the moment, you will feel very much ”out of it”. But you are not, you are merely removed from anything that can cause you to lose focus on your real task. For remember, this is indeed a complex operation, one that involves a whole set of different skills and different players, and as such, now is the time for you to simply sit back and BE in your roles as the human conveyors of this energy of change, while we are all busy taking care of so many other vital components in this operation. Fear not, you will soon be back in the know as they say, but until then, you will not be burdened by any extra baggage in addition to the one you already carry in the roles as wayshowers and caretakers of this new energy.




Currently, I feel...

LuzNJoe's picture

... like kicking Ashtar squarely in the nuts (if He has them) as soon as I ascend.  Really frustrated.


Yo Joe

David Porter's picture

I feel ya.

But if you did that poor Ashtar might crash His ship, the New Jerusalem! And that puppy is supposed to be half the size of the USA!!!

I have been on close watch of all these alleged "channels" most especially for diss info for the last year since I begin to have kids as young as 14 alert me to the falsities of so many of them.

This channel, Aisha North seems legit but I favor none of them, not even the ones that mean well or are absolutely beautiful to view. And I just love beautiful human women. Regardless, this one is stalling us from intel for some reason again with excellently placed justification. So we can only hope that the ones that have this nature of seemingly authentic information and articulate vernacular intellect are of The Light??

I mean look at how many years, centuries and life times the cabals have fooled us sleeping sheep. Who would be the first ones to say, "oh trust us when we say?" And the answer is: the ones that want our allegiance. Let me now ask, who do you pay taxes to? So we all know by now that the cabal are evil but not dummies.

Thank you, thank you very much, this is King David saying, let my people go!!!  


David Porter

Author of the series


I like this channel, as I do most...

LuzNJoe's picture

But, some others are just seemingly goofy.

The real issue is the we, as humans, need to get the message to them (Galactic and Angelic), that we have had it.  As my dear Grandfather used to say, less politely, either Poop or get off the pot - meaning do something obvious and verifiable or shut up and go home.  The channels can and should clearly and emphatically deliver that message - get on with it because they (Light Workers) are walking out of the room and going home.  You are loosing them.  You have lost credibility.

I really think it's time the light worker community came to grips with the fact that either we have lost our minds, or something has to happen.  We can not play this maybe tomorrow, soon, someday, almost, shortly game indefinitely.  It is now, or let's just forget the whole damn thing and go back to life as we know it.  Of course, the "True Believers" will argue.  But at the same time, you might be tempted to judge their grip on reality (whatever that is).

Good Wishes and Blessings to All.  But for Christ's Sake, let's start throwing the Bullshit Flag when we see it and make it know that enough is enough.

Again, Blessings to All.



Copy that Joe

David Porter's picture

Maybe this aggressiveness that you express is what they are looking for in us. Not to miss calculate "aggressive." You can be that in loving the all. Unlike our Pres, I would hope that the ETs are not liars to obtain any goals, they are not under duress from threats to themselves and family. But then some that were as JFK and others assassinated by the cabal did not go on lying to the people but stood their ground and had the reward of an honorable death.

So who is it that lies when there lips move? The native Americans will give you that answer. They now live in secluded deserts mostly due to the ones that lie.

In search of truth and only that

David Porter

Author of the series