Learning From Experience, Written by Caroline K.A.

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Written by Caroline K. A.

Dear Reader,

I hope to find you well, and in good spirits.  Although I haven’t been reading many of the channeled messages lately, or other reports as to what’s going on along the spirtitual highways of ascension, from what I have read, September is going to be a big month in the way of  inner change.  The words “awakening”  jump at me from the texts, as I read some of the messages, and this ispired me to write what follows here, so if you feel so inclined to do so, read on………..

August has been a powerful month especially during the full moon which is presently on its way into the waning gibbous phase, to which I am very grateful for at this moment.   This month’s full moon energies have been particularly unsettling in many ways, and I’m wondering if this is so for some of you?

One day when everything is said and done I’ve got a great story to tell, and I’m referring to a particular situation I’m in at the moment, which centers around the acceptance of truth.  Like many of you, whether they are pleasant truths, or not, they are still truths we must all adhere too, like it or not, scary or not, hopefully the point is made, and we will learn from it.

What we think of as truth while in the midst of self discovery and learning, may not always be as it seems.  When it comes to our perceptions of our personal truth, often sneaky ego gets in the way, and suddenly, their is inbalance in our lives.

The fact that we are creators of our realities plays a big part in this too. The big question is, what is it that we truly wish to create, never mind ego, or all the illusion, and false belief systems, what do we want to create, as true creators of love and light which will benefit everyone?

Unfortuately, sometimes as we travel our path, we acquire a shiny set of blinders which inhibits us from seeing what’s truly circulating within our selves, and around us.  Therefore, what we need to learn from the most, gets left by the way side, only to follow us like dark, shadows lurking by the side of the road until we’re hit on the head with a two by four,like I was ( tough love), and suddenly we rip off those blinders, in dumbfounded surprise, and we’re asking ourselves, “how the heck did that happen?”  Hard lessons indeed, but those are the ones we must pay attention to the most, like it or not, they are the most important of all.

The truth of who we are and where we come from is set in stone.  The divine plan which is working for all of us, including Gaia, and every inhabitant on this earth is set in stone.

As we come into September, if a month of more change, and wakefulness, is headed our way,  it is extremely important we settle ever deeper within our hearts centers, and focus on our intentions, and our desires regarding exactly what we want to transpire within our lives as lightworkers, with extreme clarity above all, and how we chose to actively participate, or not, in the ascension of Gaia, and humanity on our journey back to source, and to eternal light.

Many of you may have noticed a rise in chaos perhaps, within your personal lives especially, and this is due to what may not be in balance within you, and your spiritual journey.  Are your intentions for the future, and how you want to shape yourself or your life, absolutely clear? Is there any fear associated with these intentions you set forth, or doubt that they will even transpire? Are they from the heart, for the good of all, or are they from the ego?

Your dreams, hopes, desires and plans for shaping the new you, which you may have already conveyed to your angels and spirit guides, are out there, your intention is set.  The question is, are you really prepared to take it on?  Most of us will say, “Yes, bring it on, we’re ready!” but are we really? I thought I was, but the universe quickly showed me, I was not.

I’m in no way undermining anyone’s spiritual work, or the experiences they have gone through to arrive at their current level of understanding and knowledge.

I’m simply encouraging everyone to really consider, especially now, what it is you want, and to make sure you are absolutely prepared for it, because it will be given to you, mark my words.  What I though I wanted was given to me, in the form of a gigantic two by four, right over the head.  This made me see a great truth regarding my self, and my spiritual path which I was absolutely forced to acknowledge, and no way was it leaving until I did.

Sometimes, we get to moving along our paths in rapid fire, like a soldier on the march, and we don’t see what’s coming up ahead until its too late, and then out comes that darn two by four!

This is a time to seriously look within ourselves, and find the perfect pace in accepting our truth regarding what we know, and to be mature, especially in regards to what we don’t know as well.  I think this requires a degree of spiritual maturity which is highly needed if we are to continue on our paths of enlightenment.  We may need to slow down a little, catch our breath, breathe a bit, like hikers climbing a great hill.  We need to pace ourselves accordingly.

These truths I’ve been faced with, I didn’t see before (blinders)as well as other truths as to what’s really out there in the spiritual realms.  First of all I guarantee you, non terrestrial beings do exist,  and they, and their powerful energy are very real.  That’s all I have to say about that subject for the time being.  Remember, this is a story………..

There is an entire other world out there which many of us know nothing about.  We read about it, of course, but to experience this realm is another thing entirely,  with different sets of laws, customs and yes, culture.  It is vastly foreign to what we know, or what we’ve been taught about life here in the 3d while living on Earth.

No wonder the Galactics have said there are still many things they cannot explain everything to us because it would be overwhelming to say the least in the understanding of it.  Yet we try, because it is our birthright, and one day, we will remember all of it, and we will remember the marvelous connction we have to them, our family of light, and we will feel it with all our hearts, if we don’t already.

In the meantime, we continue educating ourselves, and learning so when the time does come we are ready and fully prepared to engage with them.  We will be ready, spiritually, and emotionally.

This is why it is so important we take our time without rushing.   Judging from what I’ve experienced lately, I’m suddenly in no hurry anymore.  It’s the quality of learning, and understanding, not who gets there first.

I hope all of you reading this are firmly set within the depths of who you are at this present moment, and all of your hopes, dreams and desires for the well-being of this planet, its people, and the shaping of the new you are also set in stone, with a degree of spiritual maturity, and clarity at heart as to where you are at now, on your spiritual path.

Full understanding of what you can take on at the moment, and what you can’t, is vital to your overall well being and growth.  It’s that simple.  The blinders come off now, and awareness and full consciousness sets it.  It has too becasue only you know what your deepest truth is at this time.

I had to get thwacked a few times before I got it.  Now I understand where I took a wrong turn, and I’ve back up a bit, and started again.  Let me be clear this has nothing to do with the messages I post her on this blog, like I said I have a good story for you someday, but the messages I post here are clear, and from the heart, with love and light.  Rest assured everything is fine in that respect, and I thank god ever day this is so.

While I’m thinking of it, backing up doesn’t mean throwing in the towel and your done.  It means you are realizing maybe there are things about ourselves that need understanding before we take our next stept.  It’s called the beginnings of spiritual maturity which in turn gives us knowledge, and the courage we need to whole heartedly step forward into our roles as lightworkers, with sure footedness and grace,even at times when we seem to tread on uneven ground.

Our inner strength, faith in ourselves, and in the divine plan is what sustains us, and it always will.  Maybe when we feel stuck, or not sure what our role is as lightworkers, even if we feel we should be doing something now, maybe this a sign we are overlooking important points of learning, such as lessons we haven’t seen yet, before we can immerse ourselves in our specific roles.

If September is to be as productive as August, then I’d say, with these powerful energies around us, and open doorways, we should re-check within our hearts what it is we truly want for our greatest good, and for the greatest good of our loved ones, and everyone around us.

The changes within you, affect everyone you come in contact with.  You are the one who instills light into others, just like others will instill light into you.  Once again a prime example of our connectiveness.  We are one in light and love.

My recent lessons were quite painful, still are, but no complaining here.  Sure I have good days and bad, just like everyone else but I see now were I made a wrong turn, although in a sense, it was the correct turn because I was forced to see some very significant issues about myself which promote growth, learning, and taking back of my personal strength, my confidence in self, and faith.  There really is no right or wrong, although we may see it that way at the time.  The truth of the matter is it’s all about learning for our greatest good.

My overall vew point on what’s really out there, which many of us don’t see, yet, has changed significiantly.  My deepest respects for those who do see these things for it takes a courageous soul to immerse in the world of the unseen.  It is a different world out there, so much to learn, and to understand.  We can surely learn a lot in this lifetime, but can we learn it all?  Is it worth racing through every nook and cranny on the quest for spiritual knowledge, much like the frenzy in the quest for the holy grail, with out really taking time to experience or understand the entire process, and the why of our experiences?

Spiritual maturity is a must.  So is knowledge, and education of all worlds, of other dimensions, and the spiritual realms, if we are to continue on as mature individiuals.

Never give up faith, no matter how hard it gets.  Easier said than done, I know, but what we experience in this lifetime are lessons we need to learn which will enable us to help others, and to return home someday, back to source, and to God.

I hope the rest of this month is highly eventful, and less bumpy by far for all of us, if you’ve experienced a little bumpiness lately, in the way of soul work, and obtaining further inner peace and strength.

May September come with an abundance of love and change.  May each and every one of you embrace it with all your hearts, and soul, without fear, without doubt, while fully aware of who you are, and the great, shinning light which burns brightly within you, may you hold it  firmly in your hearts for ever more.

Love and Light to you all,





Hi Caroline

lynmarie8's picture

Hi Caroline

I am hear to tell you nothing is set in stone, Everything is just energy and energy can easily be shifted and changed.  I have just completed this work for you and humanity... http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/twin-star-david-gate-god-gate-man-activation-set-4pm-central-time-23rd-aug-2013

We all came hear to learn and experience things, This live time were hear clear and clean up our past mistakes and be in service to source not our selves. If you want more information please contact me at lynmarie.8@aol.com

