Highlighted Aspects this Week
As the lunar cycle wanes this last week of the month, one stage of that process comes to completion. At the same time, planetary aspects continue to both challenge and support us in making further progress on our evolutionary journey.
ON MONDAY, two oppositions challenge us to look beyond our previous perceptions: Uranus in Aries opposes Venus in Libra, and Neptune in Pisces opposes the Sun in Virgo. When planets oppose each other, they bring to our awareness two very different options in how to handle certain issues. But they do not ask us to choose between the options; instead, they require that we find value in each polarity and learn how to utilize both in our decision making.
Uranus in Aries charges forcefully onto the scene, carrying a banner proclaiming the need for independence, personal rights and autonomy. In comparison, Venus in Libra floats in on air, singing songs of love, cooperation and harmony. It is hard to imagine these two extremes ever coming to an agreement, and yet they each offer a valuable perspective that we must consider now.
THE URANUS-VENUS OPPOSITION challenges us to take another look at important relationships, and asks us if it is time for us to make changes. If we’ve been overly self-absorbed, ignoring the needs of others or even discounting the importance of relationship in our lives, it may be time to reconsider our priorities.
On the other hand, if we’ve been living our lives according to another’s criteria, or defining our value and our happiness by whether or not others are happy, it may be time to remember the importance of honoring our own needs, whether or not this pleases others.
A SECOND OPPOSITION also occurs on Monday — the Sun, having just entered Virgo, is now positioned opposite Neptune in Pisces. Again, we are challenged not to seesaw between the options represented, but rather to find where we are on the range between the opposites, and to recalibrate based on what will bring us into better balance.
The stance of the Sun in Virgo is based on a perceived ideal and the effort that must be given to move in the direction of that ideal. The belief is in our ability to control through effective, practical, disciplined action. Providing the opposite perspective, Neptune in Pisces lives in a world where dreams come true and angels create miracles — all we need to do is sit and wait.
Clearly, the healthiest answer again lies somewhere in the middle of these extremes. We have opportunities with Monday’s opposition to let go of some of our need to control outcomes and to trust in the unfolding of our lives. On the other hand, we also are encouraged to do our part to make sure our “real world” is organized in a way that allows us to take advantage of the magic.
And that’s just Monday…
REVIEWING the rest of the week’s planetary aspects, it looks like we have lots of opportunities to come to new understandings, through interactions with Mercury almost every day:
- On Tuesday, Saturn sextiles Mercury to help us think and plan more clearly, based on truths that have been recently revealed.
- On Wednesday, Pluto trines Mercury, helping us release old thought patterns that have kept us from living an empowered life. This trine can also provide support for us to make concrete plans that are more in alignment with our personal values and passions.
- On Thursday, Chiron opposes Mercury. Some residual self-criticism or lack of self-worth may come back to haunt us, and we may be tempted to subjugate our ideas to the perceived superiority of others (who clearly know more than we do). But this is just a reminder of an old wound, and we do not need to stay in that place of victim. To heal the wound, we must renew our faith in our own intuitive knowing, whether or not we are able to articulate that knowing as clearly as we’d like.
- Uranus also aspects Mercury on Thursday. This quincunx tells us that the healing we seek is provided through an attitude adjustment more than through concrete action. As we acknowledge our right to have our own unique perspective, we begin to honor the genius that lies within us. Then, it may or may not be important to share that perspective.
- On Friday, Jupiter sextiles Mercury, providing plenty of energy for conversations that come from the heart and yet have practical application — all the more reason to take advantage of the rest of the Mercury activity earlier in the week. By the time of this Jupiter-Mercury aspect, we want to have cleared as much as possible of the limiting and limited ideas that have been held in our mental bodies. With that clearing, we will be more able to utilize Friday’s energies to speak from a place of inspiration and possibility, rather than confusion and pessimism.
OVER THE WEEKEND, the strongest aspect is a Pluto-Sun trine on Sunday, the first day of September. This is another aspect of opportunity, perfect for wrapping up our week and the lunar cycle.
With this Pluto-Sun influence, we are more able to accept the changes that are needed in our lives, and to let go of the old paradigms that have defined us to this point. Our ability to understand our own motivations is increased –and we can utilize this enhanced self-understanding to create new life goals that are in better alignment with our personal truth and ideals.