Heart Song Meditation ~ Channeled on 08/26 – 4

OdiStar's picture

From: Unidentified Angelic Being

Ascension will happen with or without you. The world grows and evolves without your desire, without your say-so and without your consent.

God is lifting the world up. Every moment of every day His Light of Love goes out to the world to bless and uplift it.

His Love goes out to you to give you strength and support every moment of every day. You don’t need to ask. God loves regardless. His Light shines regardless.

It is better for you to ask than to deny. You gain greater reward with your attention on God. Ascension goes smoother for you when you invite it rather than resisting it.

You do have a choice. But, truly you learn and grow regardless of whether you want to or not. Those who love you learn, who yearn to learn, who choose to seek out learning learn more and learn faster. But, all of God’s Children learn and grow.

What you are learning is love.

The world teaches love.

That is the purpose of your life on earth, to learn love and to live love.

There is more pain in life when you deny love. There is more suffering when you resist love, when you try and run from love, when you close yourself off from love.

There is more pain when you choose selfishness and more joy when you choose selflessness.

You are learning love. You are learning to love yourself and you are learning to love others. You are learning what love is and what it isn’t.

You are learning that attachment is not the same as love and learning to let go of attachment. You begin to see that the value of love is infinite, while attachment offers little value.

You are learning that control is not the same as love and that getting what you want is not always worth it. You are learning to let go of your desires and to love regardless.

You are learning that giving, sharing and caring are far more valuable than getting what you want.

Be grateful for your time on earth.

Be grateful for the lessons of love that you learn.

Be grateful for every precious moment of your life.

Thank you to : http://heartsongmeditation.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/channeled-on-0826-4/#respond
