The Magic of Life!

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The Magic of Life!

What does that mean?

All I can say is, it is always present!

The moments that bring a smile to your face, reminds you of the beauty of life.

With these times of uncertainty we must find the constant that brings us some peace.

 Think about it.

 What is the first thing that comes to mind?

Everything we are experiencing now is more physical than ever before. We have the opportunity to really pay attention. When we feel things in our physical body, the mind awakens and gives us a reason to be aware. We have a difficult time pushing

 that discomfort away.

A definite "Wake -Up" call has been initiated. Even in the midst of discomfort we are witnessing the truth of life and how it communicates. This is what the magic is about. It reminds us to be present and awake. The universe (Life) will always speak loudly. Within our own beings or even through Mother Earth herself. She will continue waking us up, until we get the message. The last place we feel anything is physically. This is where we are now! So take a moment and really allow the magic of life to awaken you. The more present we are the less discomfort we will encounter. We are meant to experience all of what life brings fully. The truth will show itself.

That is the beauty of why we came here in the first place!

That is the Magic of Life!


Love, Light & Laughter
