The Creator Writings - Walking A Path

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings



Another gentle reminder; as much as you would like to be involved with another walking their path, it is not in their best interest for their growth and learning. Instead, offer support, offer love and most of all, offer an ear or a shoulder when they need it most. Only when you release YOUR need to control the flow of The Universe will things begin to move in a more positive direction for all involved. ~ Creator





Absolutely! We are all so unique in our ways etc.....

sindhumurti's picture

We are unique in our karma also. Therefore - we all have many different and varied things (karma or action) we still must do (carry out) or 'not do' in order to be or become 'the best person' we can be. Or - the baddest - if that's what we want or need to be at any given time. This is our 'required' action or non-action (for many complex reasons) - present, past or future even...Therefore, 'walking with another' is so difficult or confusing, because - we need to, or must do (our requirement) what we must, or think we must (do) - In order to evolve consciousness, as is our purpose......And karma - is a very complex matter. It is energy - that is there constantly - pulling and tugging at us. 

Therefore -Yes! It is 'often' not right or even appropriate to the other person's best interests...

Indeed! We definitely need to release control. Then - we will be flowing 'with' the Universe' and not against it as we quite often do. 


Sindhu smiley