Jayme Price Weekly LightBlast - Being Present

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Weekly LightBlast August 29, 2013



Being Present
In each moment you have all information necessary for the healing and creating you seek.  All is within you, and yet in this dimensional expression, it often rests in those around you, waiting for your observant awakening.  You observe the struggle of another and find your inner compassion.  You observe the solution of another and find your similar path.  You interact with another and Find a Truth about yourself that is reflected to you through the experience.  It is all in your present moment, even though it unfolds so beautifully through the grace of linear time.  Your past has called forth the present experience, so it is here.  Your future is forming from the present experience, so it, too, is here.  Your present can have an ease to it that is the peace that passes all understanding; for the Truth within you is magnificent capability. 
Being is often described as the opposite of doing, yet they are similar.  You are always ‘being’ even if you are ‘being’ unaware and consumed with tasks of 'doing.'  You are always ‘doing’ even if you are ‘being’ still, conscious and connected to a greater awareness.  The difference is valuable for your awareness, yet the similarity is valuable for your openness.  Time moves and change is a constant in your experience, thus ‘being’ is merely a conscious state of ‘doing.’ The benefit of being is that you are connected into an invisible current that assists the healing and creating you seek.  The unseen momentum becomes a high-voltage catalyst, different from one who is not connected to that stream of flow.  Thus being reduces your action of doing and utilizes the unseen power that bonds worlds into being.  Grace is in that flow. 
As we sit to Blast Being Present, we are doing ourselves a favor by being aware and open.  We are being conscious of the influence of the past and future on our present choices and actions.  We are opening to the path of Love through the experience of Life. We are peaceful in the present, knowing the past is healing and the future is forming in grace.  We are courageous Beings of Love, that is our present/gift to the world.  Blast on!

