Tom Lescher - Astrology Forecast for August 28, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture


Published on Aug 29, 2013

Though I may feel uptight and alone,
Wanting to sleep, rebel, or just stay home,
Now is the time to make big decisions,
Grow up, commit, and make it all happen!
Well the fun never stops around here (planet earth that is)! With Lilith opposite Pluto (exact this weekend!) we all get a chance to get in touch with our dark side (anger first of course). Add Jupiter to the mix and it blows everything out of proportion just to show you how nuts it/you can really get haha! Many little details (Sun/Merc conjunct in Virgo still) can add up to one helluva trip.... for me, after having to do this report twice I uploaded it (3 hours) and Youtube didn't process it (waited in a queue overnight!) anyway..... 

Let's not forget that nuclear power (Pluto) can blow everything and everybody up or power whole cities, submarines, and god knows what. This can also be a week where you experience your power in the world, use it, create with it, and GO FOR IT! Just because one aspect of your life may blow up in your face....don't get superstitious and think the gods are against you. Another aspect of your life can absolutely power through! And with Saturn on the north node the signature says just that: this is a time of destiny when tthat which is irrelevent for the future gets torn asunder and that which is destined to remain is built up! So build it up and let the other stuff slide.....let's not recreate the matriarchy or the patriarchy but the NEWARCHY! haha! Namaste'

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