Henry Seltzer ~ September Promises A Powerful Dose Of Radical Revolution

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Astrograph August 30 2013

Deviant Art ~ Chiron

Deviant Art ~ Chiron

The Astrology of September features Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Mars entered Leo just before the beginning of the month, and thus becomes an astrological factor that is even more feisty than usual. He stays in this compatible Fire sign all month long, and is therefore emphasized. There is also an inconjunct made from a stationing Pluto on September 11th, the twelfth anniversary of 9-11, which is part of a yod formation to Mars involving both Chiron and Pluto, so that this is a time when emotions of pain and anger may run high. In addition, Mars makes several close aspects at the key lunations to Neptune in Pisces, bringing in a shape-shifting quality to this monthly period as well, a time when reality seems only as real as our idea of it, and chameleon-like, changes to fit changing circumstances or momentary moods.

Chiron too is greatly emphasized in this month’s configurations. Chiron represents the archetype of the Wounded Healer, and, accompanying these powerful archetypes for change, represents the pain of leaving behind what no longer works for us. Then, too, an important part of the transformation that will become increasingly necessary as this tumultuous decade unfolds is the recognition of where we have, in the past, been wounded and how we can help ourselves to heal. When you first, acknowledge and then accept the places inside yourself where the residue of early trauma remains, you can begin to welcome all the various parts of yourself to the table. This sets in motion a powerful healing effect, so that as you continue to witness the events of your life, and your responses to them, to begin to unwind the twists and turns of childish reactions to prior wounding.

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