Can You Feel It?

Lia's picture

Things are shifting dramatically now and we are doing it with our minds! If you doubted before there is no doubting it now! Wow! It is exploding all around us. It really began a week or so ago with intense incoming energies. It felt like we were frying in a skillet, hopping and popping and getting crispy. During this wave rushing in the crown of my head began to feel like there were bugs crawling through my hairs. It tingled. I kept reaching up and looking but nothing was there, nothing except new energies cranking open my skull. Then intensities somewhat dropped away and in its wake it left yet more changes. Changes in marijuana, changes in the rush to war, changes in the monetary system, changes in people, changes in thinking. Things are shifting so quickly now it is hard to tell where one leaves off and the other begins. We are doing it folks! We are using our minds and our intentions to change the world. The numbers awakening and coming on board are numerous and the scales are tipping sharply now in our favor. Keep going! Don’t stop now, if anything ramp it up big time, get together in groups and meditate on world peace, see peace, feel peace, smell peace, taste peace, be love….Just do it! Stay the course and stay in your hearts. The insanity is growing wildly but that is nothing more than the death throes of one paradigm disintegrating and another being born. Do not FEAR in any way. Times may get sketchy ahead but know it is nothing more than clearing the path for what lies ahead and embrace it. We’ve been wanting for this and now it is here. Be love, give love, think love and all will be well. Right on Guys!

Blessings to us all,




Exact same experience for me! Lovin it!

robinsuepettit's picture

Visionkeeper my love, your description of the incoming energies and how you are experiencing them is precisely how I have been experiencing them.  The energies really spiked for me  a little over a week ago and all these transformations have been occuring within and without ever since.  I too had the "bugs" crawling on top of my scalp, where I actually had to go check it out with a mirror to make sure they weren't real bugs.  In just the past 3 or 4 days, I have had a major evolution of mind and heart about myself and how I see myself.  I have suddenly been freed from personal concepts that has been keeping me from truely expressing my own personal truth.  Suddenly, I have so much courage and freedom to be honest and real.  I've been in tears over it and I feel so grateful for this newness I feel.  Thanks for sharing, and thanks for letting me share.

love it

Zenith_Sunrise's picture

Visionkeeper , I too had the feeling something was crawling in my crown lol I really thought mosquitos were messing with me but my inner sight told me it was incoming energy. So greatful we are all feeling this together. Many blessings

Zenith Sunrise
The Zenith of the soul is the highest state of spiritual perfection

Me too

mandy's picture

Had the head/hair thing too. It whirled around in a circle on my crown. Chakras getting enormous. Bad day yesterday and today but this post has lifted me. Just wish I could detach from people's irritableness as I absorb it all. Thanks everyone. Mandy