Tell The Islanders To Stop Whaling Endangered Whales! Sign The Petition

Ra-Raela's picture

Dear Reader-

Over 100 endangered fin whales have been slaughtered by Iceland's whaling industry this summer. 

Help stop whaling in Iceland.

Help stop Iceland's whalers for good. Tell President Obama to place economic sanctions on commercial whaling supporters.

take action today

In the frigid waters off the coast of Iceland, over 100 fin whales have been slaughtered this summer.

But these grim numbers don’t tell the whole story. Iceland’s whaling industry is really on the brink of collapse.

This July, Greenpeace and coalition partners took action to stop shipping companies from transporting whale meat. So many shipping companies pledged not to carry whale meat cargo that not one ounce of whale meat has left Iceland for over a month.

But that’s not enough to stop Kristján Loftsson – the CEO of Iceland’s only whaling company. In order to end whaling for good, we must convince President Obama to target the whaling industry’s remaining allies with economic sanctions.Only then – when Loftsson has no financial support – will the slaughter finally stop.

Two years ago supporters like you pressed President Obama for action on whaling and he responded, placing diplomatic sanctions on Iceland. If we make enough noise we can get the President to step up again.

Tell President Obama to place economic sanctions on the allies of commercial whaling now and put this cruel industry to rest.

It's getting harder and harder for Kristján Loftsson to sell his gruesome product. Instead, it is filling freezers in Iceland, untouched and unwanted.

People simply can’t stomach whaling anymore. The market for whale meat is already so tiny that much of this year’s kill would have been used for luxury dog food in Japan.

Commercial whaling is a failing industry. But in order to ensure that whaling ships never leave port again, we must do more. With economic sanctions in place, all remaining financial support for whaling will dry up as it becomes unprofitable to do business with whalers – and whales will be saved.

Tell President Obama that enough is enough. We need to get tough on Icelandic companies still supporting commercial whaling practice.

Fin whales are already listed as endangered, as are the humpbacks that Loftsson’s ships will pursue next. Their populations simply can’t stand more of these hunts.

The oceans and the creatures that live within them cannot be at the mercy of a single man’s stubbornness.

This is one of the best moments in decades to take on and end Iceland’s whale slaughter. President Obama has an amazing opportunity to stand up and be a champion for the whales.

Together we can make sure he takes it. Take action today and help save endangered whales.

For the whales,

Phil Kline
Greenpeace Senior Oceans Campaigner

PS. The commercial whaling industry in Iceland is on its last legs. Help stop it for good by asking President Obama to place economic sanctions on industries that still support whaling.
