~Ashtar: We Are Co~creating the Changes!~
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference 10~18~11
"Well Greetings, Beloved Family! It is so delightful that we are here again, to be together and to create some magic, some wondrously high-vibe manifestations of theempowerment that we have as One.Now we know that there are many, many exciting moments which are indeed beaming in upon the energies that are coming, even now, to Planet Earth.And we can only tell you that this is a bit of a preview of all that is to come, because there is so much shifting and changing, which is coming as we get closer, and as we arrive, first at the 10/28, and then the 11/11.
"It is for all to take advantage of these energies, that is, to welcome them with Joy, and with all of the Love, and the radiant beams from your hearts, and to literally infuse yourselves with these energies of shiftings and changes - not with fear, but with high vibrational welcome, with knowing of your own Divinity, and Who You Really Are, and with being in One, in Oneness with indeed all of Planet Earth and beyond!And together we stand with you to create as co-creators, as Masters, as empowered Lightworkers!!!
"The changes that are coming, yes, the Age of Aquarius, yes, the Golden Age, and yes, Ascension lies just beyond, because it is necessary to first clear the atmosphere of 3D Planet Earth in order that everyone can be free to focus upon enjoyment of life.Everyone can be free to focus upon bringing into their own lifestyles that which they have passion for.Everyone can focus upon their own healing, of whatever there is to heal or to resolve within their own energy fields, and then reach out to join.
"There are many who are not awake yet, and it is our job, our mission, as Lightworkers to awaken them.And even as one Beloved Family member said, they may think that we have - what is it - rocks in our heads.That is perfectly all right, because when you greet another one, even if they are asleep, you can give them a message, a taste, a glimpse.You can give them some high vibrational energy.When they're ready, just like email, they'll open it.
"You can publish if you wish, and you can telepathically communicate messages of Love, messages of Peace on Earth, messages of a clean environment, any kind of messages that you choose to put out.Because the more you do that, the more you cancel out the low-vibe messages, and let's face it, downright lies - and lifestyle lies, which have you living in situations which are not healthy, which are toxic, such as believing that only the drug companies have the answers to health, believing that only the corporations have the ways, the technology and the ways to manufacture, and if they have to pollute to do it, well at least it gets you whatever you need.
"Many people are locked into that lifestyle.We know you aren't, Beloved Ones.And so just by broadcasting, beaming Love, and beaming what you call Hope, because what is there first to give to someone else, except Hope: 'Look, I know a better way.Look, I know about some wonderful things that are about to happen.'Once a person has Hope, it means they're awake! Then they can go about accepting as Truth the joyful messages, the news as it becomes more and more joyful.And yes, the Big things!
"You know, we're here, we're here with you right now.That's no secret.More and more are understanding that yes, there is a presence here, a human-like presence, if you wish, or ships coming from elsewhere, or however they choose to see it in their own individual beings, and this is very true.More and more Family members are seeing the ships.You, Beloved Ones, here on this call, almost all of you have seen the ships or sensed their presence in the skies.
"By the way if you have some binoculars, you might even see some details - a Family member just did.It was lovely to hear her speak of it. We were listening in.And she saw the individual Lights on the ship because she saw something blinking, and then she went and got her binoculars.Wondrous indeed!So come on outside at night and greet us, or if you have a skylight look up, wave, greet us.Send us messages, and we'll message you back with Love.
"Practice your telepathy, your telepathic communications with everyone!!!Don't limit it to humans, because you see what happens is that the more you do that, the more you send out the messages, the more messages you receive.And that is kind of like the connecting cords, if you will, that bring us all together.Now the Truth of it is we're all one anyway, and our energy fields are all connected, but you might like to think of it as sparkling, shining, beaming cords of connection, lines of connection, however you want to see it.
"Just know that the more that you send out these messages, the more you're going to receive.Why is it important to receive?Well, it not only feels good, it reinforces your own high vibrations, and your own empowerments to create more and more Love,more and more Joy, more and more health, more and more whatever it is that you're wanting to focus on creating.It helps you to help others.So really work on that, because more and more of you are engaging in this form of communication.And yes, it's perfectly all right to sit at your computers and type, type, type, or write on paper, or record.
"There is not much difference, but there's really no difference between I, Ashtar, speaking to you through this Voice, and you receiving a message which somehow gets to you, whether it's a feeling, or whether you hear the words, or whether you open your mouths and speak the words, or you record the words, or you write the words, or however you get it.
"And maybe it's not words, maybe it's music, maybe it's the music, heavenly music you might call it, music of the spheres, high dimensional music.It could be the Language of Light.It could be an ancient language.How about Lemurian - tune in to the Lemurian channel!There you go, now that's a concept that's worth checking out. Haah!We are thrilled at your thrill, at your Joy.."
Elise (after adjusting the mode of the phone):"OK, it's a little quieter, thank you!"
Ashtar:"There is some activity going on out there, and we understand that you might be hearing a little bit of distracting noise.If we get disconnected, I, Ashtar, shall be told.And then we shall do whatever it takes to connect.Even though I am in my chair upon the Bridge of the New Jerusalem, I am here with each and every one of you in the energies of Love.I understand and I honor the fact that sometimes there is some incoming energy which is so strong as to cause interference in your communications, and while we do everything we can to mitigate, there are some that we just have to honor to let through, for reasons which will become more and more clear as youenter into the higher dimensionalities.There are just some things that have to come in order to facilitate the shifting which is happening right now, not just for Planet Earth either.You know, this is radiating out throughout your whole Solar system, and the Galaxy beyond.
"And of course things are going to settle down after you make your Ascension.There may be still some disruptions and eruptions, and so on and so on, in fact we can pretty much say that there will be on the Planet.And it is not the high vibrational Planet Earth that you are speaking of, it is the 3D, shall we say, Planet Earth facsimile.That is an interesting concept is it not?So, we shall be very much allowing of what needs to happen.It appears as though we have another interruption.We shall resume...
Ashtar:"Well then, we shall resume, and we hope that you understand what we just said, because it is important to acknowledge that we are getting some noises.If you would care to do so, you can simply say, 'We welcome these wondrous energies, which are bringing about the fabulous changes, and if you wish to call it this, the dimensional upgrades for Planet Earth and all Kingdoms, below, on, and above, and this is most auspicious indeed.'
"Now we have been very busy.We have been giving all kinds of inspirations, supportive, shall we say, urgings and, well we're not really big at giving orders, but occasionally it might seem that way here at this center, which is called the 9-Star Center. We have many, many, projects on the drawing board.We just dropped in with a couple of new ones this morning.The Voice gets a lot of her inspiration, she's a Pisces you know, and she gets a lot of her inspiration when she takes her shower in the blessed water.*So, we gave her a couple of new ones today, and you shall be hearing more and more about those in what you would call the very near future, but right now we have this DeMystifying 2012, and we are so pleased that the broadcast is going to broadcast, and we also have this NESARA.
"Now our guest speaker will be giving more inspirations about it.We have already heard inspirations for signs. We have already heard that the importance of the signs is to get noticed, to start people thinking about the connections between NESARA and the manifestation of whatever it is they want to create. Now this is about Quantum Physics, but we don't need to say so.What we want to say is, you put the thought out there, and the bigger the letters are on your signs, and the higher up you can hold them,[the better.] Get something very light weight to put the sign on so that when you hold it up, you will be able to hold it up for a longer period of time. By all means if you can find someone to go with you to help, this would be joyful indeed.If you can get a group together, how about that Los Angeles people, the City of Angels, New York, Chicago, places like that.
"Find like-minded beings.Perhaps there is someone who would step forward to be a coordinator in the large population centers, where the large gatherings are.If you are willing to have your first name for instance we are just designing something here.Listen up everybody, this is a creation that is of the moment.If you are willing to have your first name and your email address posted on the website, We The People, and of course my website, send an email in if you are willing to be a coordinator for your area, where others can look down the list.It can be.Are you getting this?Where is our webmaster? Where is Fabulous Fran - she has vacated her chair.
"We are saying this to her. She can post it in an organized manner, perhaps by the name of the city.** Yes, and if you don't live in that city, but you can get there, then you can look, and you can contact the coordinator.Well how's that for a concept?After all I'm quoting that is what Mother Sekhmet is so fond of saying, 'There's a concept!'We just created it.We are having a jolly time, and we just gave them another mission.Alrighty!Well, we are rather full of Joy and excitement, and yes we are exuberant!We must be mindful not to jiggle the fragile electronics.Oooh!
"It will be such a Joy not to have cords anymore, and that's coming very soon for everything.Look around the room.Open your eyes.Look around and count the cords that you see, and picture everything that you have there, or something that is an even more advanced design, but no cords.It's called free energy.That is one of the many, many benefits that NESARA will unlock the door to.We say that NESARA is the big key to the big doors.
"Behind the doors are all kinds of little doors, and you can walk through, and open up as many as you want to - free energy, clean environment, Freedom, Peace, Abundance, safe food, no more GMOs, no more GMOs.That makes a really nice little chant for a parade, does it not?'No more GMO!'Anyway, we are being somewhat jovial, because we understand that we've got these little background noises, and we want everybody up in a high vibration, because we are about to welcome our guest speaker.
"We shall just say this, yes there is a lot to do, yes there is a lot that everyone of us can do, and we are doing it together. We would like very much for you to just relax, and enjoy the Joy with us, because this Gathering, this coming together is a high spot of Joy, as you might call it, for all of us here on the New Jerusalem, for all of the Ascended Masters, for all of your Guides, the Ashtar Command, Angels, and all of the ones that we are connecting with.This is because you are such loving ones.You are so committed to your own Ascension paths, and you are so committed to helping others to find their way onto theirs!!!
"And so we have made some suggestions, and we have once again encouraged you to spread the word for NESARA.We would ask you to do as that wonderful flower lady did.Her name is Iris, and she wrote to a large organization which is looking for projects.They are Credo.com, and there are many others you know them, Move.on, and they need to move on to, shall we say, Forgiveness, lack of judgment, and really coming together in Oneness.But, nevertheless, they've got some motivated people out there.They need to know that the answer to everything is NESARA - so do all of the other organizations!!!
"Write to them.Send them the word.And this is not just for the United States of America.Many, many, wondrous beings from the countries of Canada and Australia have joined in, and from Europe.Send it out to your friends and families all over the globe, Beloved Ones.All continents.Yes, there are ones even in Antarctica.We're not talking about the penguins, we're talking about the people who are doing research, and they have computers, and they are able to get emails.
"Let's get all continents represented!Let's get every country represented!Let's get the Indigos and the Crystals signing these petitions!Let's do it together; One Heart, One Mind, One Family together spreading the Light everywhere we possibly can, and weshall be with you!We may be in the clouds when you're out there marching in the streets, but we will be there!Look up and wave!Just allow us to beam loving support to you!Just allow us to infuse you with this high-vibrational loving energy that we have to share with you!
"And if you're not too busy enlightening the other beings there in that group, look up and wave at us, we're there!We're with you every step of the way!And so we thank you, Beloved Ones, for being here with us!And we have a guest speaker coming!And we invite you now to join in the vision of World Peace, and Love, and all that NESARA brings!And so it is! Salut!"
* Germanium shower water
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh.
Given through Susan Leland, October 18, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2011.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.