New leak: Obama administration provides Israel with NSA data

Rain's picture - 9/11/13


The administration of US President Barack Obama shares with Israel the raw intelligence data vacuumed up by country’s National Intelligence Agency without even taking out the information about the American public and even government officials, according to a newly-leaked document.

A copy of a top secret agreement, signed in 2009 and provided by the American whistleblower Edward Snowden, shows that the NSA “routinely” passes to its Israeli counterpart, the Israeli Signals-intelligence National Unit (ISNU), the vast digital data it gathers under secret court authority from US Internet providers.

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also, nsa uses 2 or more

AdiGaia's picture

also, nsa uses 2 or more israeli private contractors to collect much of the nsa communications data for them....

that way nsa can skirt us law by saying that they, the nsa, didn't do the data collection on americans, etc..., i.e., nsa had non-governmental contractors do it for them...

(60% of all nsa activilty is done by private contractors for them---that's who snowsden worked for...)

just use search term 'nsa israeli companies' ...