Visionkeeper~There Is No End ~

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I believe one of the most important lessons we can learn that will change our entire lives is understanding that we never die. We have lived our lives on a timeline and have cheated  ourselves out of so much living worrying about our demise. Think about it seriously for a moment. Do you honestly believe the myth that Creator put us here on earth for a few short years and that is it? Absolutely not. We came here with the mission to learn how to love and that may well take many lifetimes and we will never be cheated out of knowing that elation. Once we finally endure the last of the pain of living through 3D and finally achieving the final test of learning to love, do you honestly believe we won’t be able to continue to live on in love and experience that joy as our reward? The outrageous threat of death was an evil concept to plant in the minds of innocent people! We have spent a major part of our lives living at warp speed and watching behind us as death supposedly crept up behind us as we aged. Horrible! Instead we should have been free to savor our lives minute by minute peacefully knowing this life we were living was but one of many that still lay before us. We are energy and energy has no end.

Somehow it is important for us to break through the fear of death and embrace the life we have been given, now that we are awake. We are aging because of the food and medicine we have been forced to consume that is destroying our health, not because of how many years we have been alive. We have been brainwashed to believe these physical failures we are facing are just a normal part of aging! How clever. Slowly kill us all and convince us to believe it is normal. It is not normal. It is time to realize what we eat determines the quality of our life. Our thoughts as well determine the quality of our lives. It is time to break free of the lie that this life on earth is the only life we will experience! To worry constantly that our time is growing shorter, severely alters how we live our lives. We can live joyously and free moment by moment or chained to the ticking time bomb that has been secured to our ankles.

Imagine how you would live if age was no concern, if growing older was welcomed rather than feared, as it meant we were getting closer to our next lifetime whatever that may be. We don’t exist here on earth with our family and friends and then die only to be buried beneath cold dirt and forgotten. We don’t leave anybody. We separate for a short time while we move on and they continue to age but we see each other again, we share our lives again in one form or another. If we could just embrace this concept, how we live our lives would alter dramatically. The same goes for our beliefs about our careers. We have been taught to believe that what we do defines who we are and we must work hard to prove ourselves. No, we worked hard to give our oppressors all our money. Again, why would creator put us here on a beautiful planet just to work 9-5 everyday and not be able to enjoy it?

There are many myths we have been fed that we need to eradicate from our lives once and for all. They hold us back and stifle our inspiration and stop us from becoming all that we can be. These myths are just fabrications to keep us locked down and keep us slaving away to make the dark machine keep operating. It is time to say no and step away from these myths and open up our hearts and minds to a whole new way of living life. The real life we should have been a part of all along. So do not fret if you are aging, find a way in your heart to embrace the idea that you are merely getting closer to starting your new life, you are by no means ending, you are getting ready to begin again as a new expression of who you are. By living in the now we are always beginning.

Blessings to us all,


Video worth watching as well:
