PAST TIME ~ Unconditional Love Holds Key

Lia's picture

INDEED it is Past Time for the healing to begin I feel. Unconditional Love has always held the KEY. It is hard to understand, and hard to imagine with some things and ways and beings....etc.... to have that Un-Conditional Love, Mutal Respect, Care, Nurturing, Healing and Comapassion for something that doest hold what you hold in your eye or heart of value or truths beliefs etc...However I feel that if we continue to stand against these that we dont see eye to eye with this feeds the cycle and keeps it in its redundancies and cyclonic stagings. To break this cycle there MUST be healing and MUST be Un-Conditional Love and the allotment to others as well. It is full circle!

We need to step up and re-claim our rights and our own power and our own control of ourselves. We must maybe STOP giving over that to others so we can point the finger of blame or ridicule towards those we gave our power to. As there is NOBODY that knows yourself or your lessons more so than STOP and THINK for a bit....HOW can we change some things??? STEP UP...STEP OUT....and break the redundant circle. By doing this we lead by example, we feel better about ourselves and we can now start repairing deep damage to our own dna structuring and mind set patterns etc...

Jesus or Yeshua to me....lead by example. He stepped up and out and lit the way to re-gain our power of ourselves. He showed that we are GIVING ourselves over to others for direction and for judgement. He to me is just another man showing the truths and lighting the way for those whom are ready to take their steps and regain their freedom! Yeshua stated as well he felt the only evil was ignorance, I totally can say I see and agree to this as well, Knowledge IS power....power for yourself and your souls growth! This can be seen as moving mountains etc...or miracles as well, as you reclaim your freedom you grow mature change and blossom. Things that you thought you never had start appearing and unveiling themselves to you as they had been there the ENTIRE time....only hidden under an illusionary veil....maybe WE placed upon ourselves??? The time is NOW, I feel to point the finger where it TRUELY should have always been....which is to OURSELVES and NOT directed at anyone else because it is NOT their job to live our lives or to know what we feel, need, desire etc... it is OURS and OURS only.

Sorry, I could just continue on this as my mind wanders at great depths on these sujects of heart and soul matter. I just wanted to share some of those thoughts with others regarding the uncondionality of life and the true beauty there is here in ALL THINGS and ALL BEINGS in their own ways.

Again these are my opinions.

Love n Light...Brightest Blessings to ALL in Peace Harmony n JOY
SpokenSpirit33 (Scribed under pen name MysticBlack)
