With great urgency, and in all her multi-dimensional voices, she called to you. The coming weeks will take us even deeper into this profound and potentially life-changing encounter with the feminine energy of the Cosmos.
We're fast approaching the heart of a Transformation Zone unlike anything our planet has ever experienced. What waits for us there -- no matter our gender -- is the treasure that lies at the center of our planetary shift -- the fully empowered Cosmic Feminine. Too long outcast from our values and our priorities, she's now returning to human consciousness -- just as sages and seers have predicted for centuries. The signs are everywhere around us.
She's calling us. At this very moment, she's calling you. She's calling from within.
Today's Full Moon in Pisces was saturated with her energy. Joining the Moon and Venus in an intensely creative, collaborative energetic event were a panoply of "asteroid godesses." These feminine energies are at the heart of the shift underway within each of us, unfolding in a pattern as unique as our birth charts. She's who Uranus and Pluto are working so mightily to free.
If we look carefully, we find her signature all over the energy pattern of this Pisces Full Moon:
- Pluto, the great transformer in the depths, was at the standstill known as "the retrograde storm." This is the most potent part of his 4-month retrograde vision quest which comes to an end today. Beginning tomorrow and continuing through January 10, 2014 , Pluto begins to release his power into the degrees ofour birth charts where he's been traveling since April 15.
- Venus was at the center of multiple intimate
transformational encounters, including those with:
- Saturn, the Cosmic Manifestor, Teacher, & Keeper of Secret Knowledge. Venus' conjunction with Saturn this week closes a 30-year cycle of the relationship between love and security in our lives -- and begins a new one.
- the Moon's North Node, our evolutionary GPS, beginning another new cycle, between our soul's purpose and what we love and value.
- Proserpine, one of the "goddess asteroids," who carries the feminine energy transformed and empowered by her archetypal underworld descent. Though countless women in every moment of human life since the Deep Time have shared this experience, Proserpine's wisdom hasn't been in much demand for millenia -- until now.
- Venus, on whose "terms" over half the solar sytem ws operating at the Full Moon (according to an ancient Egyptian technique of identifying planetary influence
- Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Chiron, all operating with Venus on her terms (I'm really hoping some of this manifests on organizational scales, from the local to the national to the global -- aren't you?).
- The asteroids who are central agents in the feminine transformation process of descent into, and rebirth from, the Void. Including Persephone, Proserpina, Ceres, and Psyche, they are becoming increasingly prominent in our lives and our world.
- The Sun, in a degree of the sky whose Sabian symbol is "a group of aristocratic ladies at a ceremonial court function" (cosmic translation: Venus and the asteroid goddesses at a Full Moon).
To empower the encounter with the Cosmic Feminine at a deeper level in the cosmos within and around you, here are some starting points:
* Have a spiritual practice (and pay special attention to the word "practice"). Make it daily. Make it hourly. Aspire to make it your life on an outer level, as it always is on an inner one. And connect your personal practice with the energies and qualities that make the Cosmic Feminine a real and living presence in your life.
* Expand your awareness about the Cosmic Feminine and her transformational process. There are many, many wonderful resources about the Cosmic Feminine as she has illuminated life on Earth from ancient times to the present moment. My blog ( on my website, where you can subscribe for convenient access) will be focusing increasingly on this topic in the weeks and months ahead. We can’t read or talk our way through this planetary transformation process, but a mental map can be very helpful.
* Go deeper. If any two words are the signature of the trasnformational process of the Cosmic Feminine, they're these. The experience of wholeness and interconnection at this Pisces Full Moon isn't the dessert of our lives -- it's the main meal. Especially now, while we’re in the Transformation Zone, we're all being pushed to go deeper.
May the days ahead be rich with blessings and breakthroughs for you!
Love and blessings,
Star Sister
(aka Marcia)
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