Beacons Of Light September 18 2013
I am Elrah of rhythmic service and I just have to tell you that introduction was beautiful. I am not going to give you the whole lesson today. I am going to turn it over to, eM. He is actually going to be talking about a subject which is my responsibility, my area of expertise. I know you are all waiting to talk to him, so I have no problem letting him come forward to bring the message in today. I am telling you this for different reasons because all of you out there have your little egos.
All of you have to carry your sense of self and your own personal message. But I will tell you, when you see it reflected in the world around you and you hear other people saying what you were thinking, now you know you are in the right place because that is what happens at Home. You see, it does not make any difference whether I give you the message or the Time Keeper comes and gives you a beautifully elegant message, or whether eM comes in and just gets you laughing a little bit. We do not care because it is still the same message. It is your heart, not ours. It is not us in any way, it is about you. So I hope you enjoy this beautiful part but I cannot go anywhere, until I give you one of my smiles. Okay, there you go. Got you every single time, do I not? Good.
I want to tell you a little about it first because it is kind of interesting. You see, you have all of your perceptions of each other on the planet and all of you look at each other and say, “You are different than me. You are taller. You are shorter, you are prettier, you are uglier….” Whatever it is you define each other with you see yourselves as separate in so many different ways, which has gone so far as to polarize your countries. You are so polarized now that when one person says this and another says that, you are going to have a hard time getting anything done because you are just balancing things back and forth. In a very short time, you will have a smooth energy and you are going to have opportunities to come together like we do here at Home. We do not care which one comes forward.
We do not care who is listening, who is talking, or what the channel calls himself or herself. Now all of you are starting to listen in a new way and that is bringing out the channels in all of you; your own inspiration and spirit within your body is turning just beautifully. So, I will tell you this is part of the new energy and every one of you can start carrying more of your own spirit intentionally as conscious creators on this planet. We hope you have as much fun as we have here at Home, because we are laughing all the time up here watching all the fun things you humans get into. It will not be long before you can turn around and laugh at us. It is okay, you can do it, we can take it; it is no problem. Just know that it is a beautiful game and we hope you are having fun with it.
You Are Becoming a Balanced Human
Espavo everybody.
Greetings, I am eM. I am so happy to be here these days for there is so much going on and I tell you that the Keeper is having a bit of a problem with my energy in particular. He is trying to find the rhythm for it. He says, “No, it sounds too much like the Keeper of Time.” So he is having all kinds of problems trying to figure out where I am, and part of the problem is the polarity with which you see everything. It is not wrong; it is how you were raised on planet Earth. You have been in a very polarized situation, living in a field of duality.
Well, you see things as black and white and up and down, and right and wrong and all the rest of it. Now you are starting to see everything in a totally different perspective, for you are starting to see the possibilities. Now you have it for you are the creators and you create through your choices. Very simple, very easy to understand when you look back at your life, but looking forward it is different entirely and very challenging to see. Now the polarity that the Keeper has been having trouble with, with me, is that I am balanced. I am not male or female. In fact, he is having difficulties even with the words.
There are no words for that so he is having challenges and, of course, all the teachers are coming forward to give him the words. It is a new stretch for him, a new area not to describe a balanced human being in extreme polarities. All of you are turning in this direction and there is so much happening here. Feminine energy is coming back to planet Earth. You have all known it is coming, for you have seen the swing into the masculine energy and the masculine dominance for years on planet Earth. You have all had a grand time with it. Well, some of you anyway. Of course, some of you have been the victims, too. You have all played your games but now it is time for the change, is it not?
Now here is the situation. The balance is coming but you have never balanced before. You have gone through the balance to the other extreme and every time you have done it in the same way: you moved. Oh, you do not remember the times that the feminines were in charge on Earth. We can tell you that you do not remember it, but they messed it up just as badly as the men have have messed it up so do not worry about it. Just know that it has always been this balance back and forth. We are going to stop you in the middle, give you an opportunity to breathe and experience what balance feels like.
This is the field of triality you have moved into, away from duality. It is almost as if there is almost a new part of yourself which you are trying to learn about and you are wondering, “How do I use this in my daily life? How can I gain balance through?” Well, there are some new parts coming and I will share a couple of these with you this day. It is becoming easier for the Keeper to carry my energy; he has done it now four or five times so he is getting to be an expert he thinks. Do we have some surprises for him though, for he is only able to carry so much feminine energy in this very male body of his and he has his belief systems which still get in the way once in a while so we will fix that, do not worry.
Balancing the Male and Female Energies Within Each of You
We are going to talk about your vibration in the world. We have always spoken about it and actually, this is Elrah’s territory; this is his work. He is here showing you the different ways to work with vibration and how you already do. Each of you has a signature vibration very deep within you. It is actually associated with signature sound which we have spoken of earlier so there are many connections here that you will see in different areas.
The signature vibration is your own vibration, t is your vibration the way you decided to carry it on Earth in this physical body. Some of you carry a very male, forceful energy and others of you carry a very feminine energy; you play back and forth and you decide to express yourselves in different ways. Well, that is what has changed. The field is now open for you to balance in polarity where the feminine energy can come back in. Male energy has been more forceful than the feminine creative or allowing energies, all of which are a part of each of you.
Over many lifetimes you have developed a habit of coming in as one or the other, and many of you have perfected even your preferences in how you like to play the game of planet Earth. Most of you have come in as a male or female many times because you feel comfortable with it. The Keeper feels very comfortable in a male body but feels very uncomfortable with feminine energy; he had choice in his preferences at the beginning of this incarnation. Now that the energies have changed, all of you can start balancing and already have. The challenge comes from your belief systems, those parts of you from way back that say, “Oh, I must be this way,” or “Oh, I must act that way.”
This happened not too long ago to the Keeper and the Keeper’s Keeper. They were in Amsterdam in the gay section of the Red Light District and Barbara said, “I must tie my shoe. Can you hold my purse for a moment?” All of a sudden she is over somewhere and the Keeper is standing there, holding her purse and realized he felt very uncomfortable with what he was doing. They all had a good laugh about it and went on, but it brought up just the uncomfortableness of the perception of sexuality. These are the areas that will block you first from finding your balance. All of you have the capabilities and you are moving in those directions that are so beautiful to watch, to see you all striving for perfection. That is what you are. You had to take on imperfections to be here. The planet Earth is an imperfect place. You must hide your imperfections while you are here and you strive toward perfection. It is so beautiful. You are so incredible.
A New Sensitivity to Vibration
Your Name: The Reflection of YOU in the Universe
You have no idea what you are capable of, but you are now about to find out. I will tell you about the other area which is Elrah’s territory, vibration. All of you are sensitive to vibration in a new way although you have not yet discovered it. What you have found is your uncomfortableness with what you have already built. Many of you have built lifestyles, homes, workplaces, careers, and relationships and suddenly many of you feel very dissatisfied, very uncomfortable with where you are and needing to change, but having no clue as to which way or what to do.
We will give you some very simple ideas right now and Elrah will come back and continue this work and perfect a little more. But what we are telling you is that many times you are affected by your own voice and the word that repeats most often and goes straight to your heart is your own name.
How did you get that name? Most of you were over your mother or father’s shoulder when they were picking out names, shouting your name to try to get through to them. Then they would say, “What about this name? This name sounds-but I like this actor so I will name my child after a movie star.” Many people end up with all kinds of different rhythms and names that do not fit them. Why do they not fit?
It’s very simple, it’s a rhythm. You can change your name slightly by adding an extra letter to the end or in the middle. You can even take something away to change the rhythm patterns of your own name. Your name is the reflection of you in the universe and your belief. When you hear that name, it is you. Make sure it is something that you love and if not, start creating your universe by changing what you are called. There is no problem; it is done all the time on planet Earth. Now we are telling you that your name precedes you and you are becoming incredibly sensitive to vibration that is reflected against the universe and back to you. You can now see it in new ways.
Music and Rhythm: The Newest Way of Learning
Now there is an interesting thing that the Keeper has been saying and I hate to do this, but after several years I must correct him slightly. Now he is freaking out but he will calm down in a minute. He says, “What do you mean correct me?” Simply, he has been telling people there has been an unusual part of your brain that deals with music. I am telling you this for several reasons, because you have all used it in different ways even if you do not consider yourself musical. It is these rhythms that are at the base of all of what you call music. It is actually a rhythm pattern.
Take all of the pieces that you have been given, that you have had to learn through your rote memory and language centers. Then take all those parts that you could not learn that way and the things that you learned when you were a child through music such as the alphabet Many of you learned songs that you repeat as children because they reside in a different part of your brain. What we are telling you is there is no musical part of your brain. That is the correction of what the Keeper has been saying that there is a musical part of your brain that you can develop and use.
The entire right hemisphere of your brain deals with music; there is a section just above the ear and another section over there that deals with music in particular. Although many of you have come in with the highly developed musical portion of your brain, very few of you are using it for music. It is not necessarily about music, it is about rhythm. Those of you who have learned something such as the alphabet using music, can recall the letters of the alphabet without singing it? That is easy but I would be willing to bet that most of you cannot do it if you remove the tune. You still have to go: A, B, C…stop. D, E, F, G…H, I, J, K – L, M, N, O, P…it is a rhythm for you. That is what you have based your knowledge upon and that will be the newest way to learn, because it does not require you to make new grooves and to constantly reinforce the left part of your brain. You can live spontaneously in the right part of your brain.
Does the Rhythm of Your Name Make You Smile?
Now the right part of your brain we have always equated with heaven and the left part of your brain we have always equated with Earth. The right part of the brain sees everything-possibilities, opportunities, energy flow and all the rest of the things we deal with here at Home. You are trying to label everything. “It cannot be real for me until I can put it in a box with a label on it.” That is what the left part of the brain does, but the music portions are particularly the rhythms and that is why we are asking you to first consider your own name, a huge part of your own reflection. What is the rhythm of your name and does it match you? That is the biggest question for you will start by adjusting small things to make your path through the world easier, or simply make it the path of least resistance.
That is where the magic lies, in all the parts where you can see from the higher perspective that you have never been able to spot before. It is a new world. You are all a part of it in a very beautiful way and I will be here to help you reflect that in more ways than you can imagine. Start by what you are called. What do they call you? What are you called by? How is that? And how can you change it to where when you hear your name, you smile?
The Family of E
There are many of you who are from the Family of E. I will simply say that is the family vibration that we carry in what the Keeper calls the group. We do not use that word, the group. We do not use any words to describe ourselves; it is a rhythm and it is a very beautiful part of us that can be available to all of you only through your own heart. It is not about us teaching you anything; it is about helping you to re-member what you already know. You have taken so much of it and put it aside so that you could play this game of pretending to be a human and pretending to be imperfect. You are doing quite well and can now take the next step. It is very well done. Your perfection is starting to come back together in many beautiful ways and these are the next steps toward humanity.
In the Beginning, There Was a Laugh
All of you have a responsibility for everyone else on Earth. You are all connected; you are all part of each other and you cannot separate this finger from that finger even if the fingers do not know each other, can you? Well, this is who you are, and you are starting to recognize that and strengthen the connection which connects all of you in the most beautiful ways. I share one thing with you…a laugh…for that is one of the greatest vibrations that exists throughout the universe. In the beginning, there was a sound and it was a laugh. It created everything and it was the most beautiful expression of light on planet Earth.
I will bring you many messages, dear ones, but Elrah stepped aside so that I could come in and bring you this one and so that you could be accustomed to my rhythms. A little bit of my energy is expressed quite differently, for I am trying to carry as much of the balance of the male/female through this body as I can. Not easy, not easy. We will work on it but in the meantime, know that I love you. You have so much importance here. You have no idea what you are already doing and with such grace. Keep up the incredible work and know that we will be here with ideas, concepts and tools for you to use in your new empowered role. You are becoming conscious creators, walking every step of the way with full consciousness of your spirit. It is the most beautiful thing we have seen on this side of the veil…ever. Thank you for that.
It is with the greatest of honor that I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and do not forget to play well together but before I leave, I think I must leave you with a little laugh. tee hee.
The group