Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription and Listener’s Q & A for September 17, 2013

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Galactic Connection - September, 2013

microphone 1 199x300 Cobra and Alexandra Meadors Transcription and Listeners Q & A for September 17, 2013 Alexandra:  Good Afternoon everybody.  Today is September 17, 2013.  This is Alexandra Meadors of  I have a very special call today because we will be reviewing all the questions that have been submitted for Cobra to give us his very eloquent perspective on things.

Hello Cobra, How are you doing today?
COBRA:  Hello. Hello.
Alexandra:  I want everyone to understand how much work goes into these interviews on behalf of Cobra and myself.  Please take the time to drop him an e-mail and just say thank-you even if you want to send it to me and I will pass it on.  I know how much goes into this.  I just want to thank you for all you do.
COBRA:  Thank you so much.
Alexandra:  I have so much to review today.  I’m not going to bring up anybody’s name.  Don’t get your feelings hurt.  The first question is:  Are the resistance movement working on the other wide with people like Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy, John Lennon.   Are those people considered part of the light resistance?
COBRA:  Many of those people that have died years ago have already been taken to other planets when they have joined the Galactic force of light.
Alexandra: So they are not considered part of this so called resistance movement.
COBRA:  Many of them have chosen to travel onward.  Some of them could stay.  Many of them are not working from the Astral plane any longer.
Alexandra:  OK.  Hopefully that clears up that question.  Onto the country of Mexico.  I have quite a few people writing in from Mexico.  What types of changes are you actually  seeing that are positive way that is supporting this transition into a golden age.
COBRA:  There is a certain secret organization in whole central America which is similar to White Dragon in Asia.  It is more deep undercover.  They are working to trigger the change in Mexico and surrounding countries.  The situation in Mexico is a little more complicated because the cabal is strong interest there because of the drug trade.  Mexico will recover but it will not be very fast as some other countries.



