By Earth Ally Will Harader ~ Real Meditation

Lia's picture

I'm going to tell you something that runs counter to most ideas of what spiritual means. You've been given these images of “spiritual people” who meditate most of the day, and spend their time with eyes half-opened, completely sedated. They have renounced the world, and don't really participate in Life anymore. They speak softly and slowly, and don't really have much passion for anything. This image people are given is one of only numbness, not True Spirituality, which is Passion for Everything.

What's the point of meditation? To calm oneself down enough for self-contemplation? It's useful to a point, but eventually a person is going to have to directly confront what's stressing them out in the first place. Meditation just numbs the mind to the point a little bit of intelligence sometimes pops out, yet it's mostly an avoidance mechanism. It's like what most channelers do, they set their ego aside for a moment, and then pick it up again when done. It's something to numb the pain of their ego/mind, without having to do any real work on themselves. You can't go through you emotional attachments without feeling the emotions. The sense of peace people get from meditation is often an illusion to mask the emotional turmoil beneath the surface.

Same with mantras, rituals, chanting, ceremony, all of those things supposedly spiritual often actually hinder spiritual growth. A crutch is only useful if your legs are broken. When you don't need it anymore, it actually prevents healing. The only way to go beyond unconsciousness is to confront it directly, then it disappears. Many, if not most of these so-called spiritual practices actually feed into unconsciousness. One addiction is just traded for another.

There's only one meditation and that's called being Present. Consciousness is raised through increased Awareness, while the meditation most practice actually lowers awareness. Why else would people have to close their eyes to meditate? Real Meditation is done in every Moment, it's not something you do once or twice a day. If you want to get over your stuff, you have to be there to get over it. Be very aware of what your doing in your spiritual practices, are you becoming more conscious, or are you just stuffing things back down? It's better to be stressed out and paying attention to that stress, than to pretend it doesn't exist. If you want a real sense of Peace, you're going to have to go through everything that makes you not feel peaceful.




Well Said!

drmoe's picture

As a psychologist with over 30 years of experience helping people deal with their emotions and dealing with my own on an ongoing basis, even today, I agree.  There's no way through but through.  You have to accept and feel those feeling so that they can flow through you.  Most psychological stress is due to blocked feelings which have to be identified and felt. This Too Shall Pass!

And it always does.

Thank You for your words

BelindaLove's picture
Thank you Will. Here I was thinking that I was not meditating enough cause I find it hard to focus like that without getting bored. Being present is a lot more interesting and fun anyways.

Meditation to me is always

World-Bridger's picture

Meditation to me is always started with prayer, my prayers are intense, though I am in prayer most of the time, when I go to Source authentically and sincerely it is very powerful, my whole body vibrates, my light body expands, my heart rate goes up and I enter a state of bliss, very "orgasmic"  Then my meditation is all about allowing what I asked for "always in my greatest good" to do it's thing. This is so powerful for me. Just meditating to be empty has no use for me, being in a state of allowance with focused goal is my thing. 

Love is always on my mind "when I am not excepting the limitations of others, because of my prayer and meditation I am more aware, I feel others, I know what I want, I am not effected by the negativity of others, I see the big picture, not the small one. I am expansive in thought and energy.

Love you Will !

Love and Oneness!


valentin59's picture

Never forget what Mediations did for you in the beginning-before you woke up-to say that mediatation is an hinder is wrong-it is not-its only a level in your path-the soul will allways find a way to develope it self-if it is trough trancending the Deep revealing lies about fear or some other traumabased event that often took Place in the childhood that you can emerge to the next level-it is totally ok to meditate

Everything iks not a lie because we now have enterd into an big paus-a global void

it is only the big step to a very new development-also known or unknown as the unknown:)

There will allways be the polarisation towards harmony-in the traveling to its goal there will also be som disturbences-some chaos Before entering the next level

Develop the listening to your source instead-get to know you personal voice

Because it is very neaded in the global awarnes-like i precious part of an puzzle it will fit exaktley in♥

Dont forget that your personal development are very individual-and dont belive every channeling you here-it is not your truth-its often somebody elses

Channel your self instead-in Daily Life-often are you channeling in ordinary talks with your freinds and those people around you

Its very much about listen to your self-and what YOUR soul needs-there is allways an individual conversation between you and your source

There is a uniq signature about you and your source


I don't think I spoke in such

will's picture

I don't think I spoke in such black and white terms, I said "it's useful to a point". It's not necessarily a hindrance, but it certainly can be if you're not willing to release your attachment to meditation.

sorry will♥

valentin59's picture

You are right-it is imortent to let go of it to-in my earley Life i use to meditate on regular bases-now its only spontanious-there is not the same need for it-somethimes when i feal in -just listening inside of me- the mantra comes in-then it goes again

I Think your articles are very good-it creates diskussions

Sorry and Blessings to you will♥