For many of you the outpouring of emotion may be easier explained as the death of who you are in preparation for FULL remembrance of who YOU are in TRUTH. Much has been written about the death of ego but this is more than the death of ego, this is the death of the DEFINITION of who you are. Let me give you an example to explain this further, for the human logical mind may have a very hard time processing the death of SELF whilst you are still alive within the human vehicle!
For all of my incarnation in this human form I have endured the "loss" of people, grief has been a constant companion and has been the frequency from which I have tried to manifest my life. As all of the human life experience is a mirror then the mirrors that come into your life as other people and scenarios, events and places will always match the frequency that you are running. In this scenario and without incarnating into this dimensional timeline where my SOUL woke up in its human form I would have carried on with this. It would have been what is termed "karma".
Over the past few years and certainly over the past 24/48 hours the influx of LIGHT has allowed a clarity of vision beyond anything I have experienced, my human logical mind trying to find a reference point and finding NONE. This has not allowed me to re-anchor who I have defined myself as. This has started a process where all definitions of who "KAREN" is are now dissolving and the human logical mind does not like this space one little bit!
All of human life under the old 3d earth energies involved re-anchoring the BASE dimensional timeline distortions. These are the original timeline frequencies into which you incarnated when you first were created in this universe. These are the frequencies through which that which is termed "karma" is played out. At all times during the human life experience here on planet earth under the old 3d earth energy signature you will have unconsciously anchored and re-anchored the same frequencies. Those in your human life would have allowed you to further this as they would have come in as "proof" to you that what you were doing was correct. When you go through any trauma you will find that "mirrors" that is people, will appear to confirm that which you believe. They will do this as they are mirroring the frequency that you are resonating, what blinds ALL to this is the anchoring, as you are within a frequency and those who are the mirrors are within a frequency you are blind to it. There is no one that will come in out with this frequency to challenge it. That is under 3d earth energies.
What has unfolded under the New Earth frequencies are mirrors to help you BREAK the frequencies, these are people who come in to CHALLENGE what you are attempting to re-anchor and they will challenge and challenge until you release the frequency. You could say that this is a role I take for ALL in my human life experience and there are MANY in my personal human life experience who are here to do the same thing for me! Without this being played out and without the energetic support of planet earth the ascension process would not be possible, for you can only dissolve that which you can see and the old earth knew this.
As this process is now in acceleration the "death of self" will give way to the "BIRTH of SELF", this is a higher frequency in which you let go of the need to define/defend/re-anchor who you believe you are in your human form in order to remember who YOU ARE in TRUTH. For yes, you are in human form but that is not who you are. This appears to be a complex process for the human logical mind to work with but the HEART KNOWS and the heart is guiding this process. Hence the outpouring of emotion and the need for the human logical brain to try to "prove" to you who you are. Within this process the more you try to "Prove" the more it eludes you, if you allow this to take hold then you will move to a point of chaos. Definition of who you are in human form is not TRUTH therefore it is not supported, there are no reference points, hence the guidance to LET GO.
At first it may feel as if you are drowning and at times it may feel like you are going to literally die but this is part of the process, to stir up the fear that has been anchored, for all 3d earth paradigms were created from the lower dimensional frequency of fear, in order to wash it through with the higher dimensional frequency of the LOVE that IS in TRUTH. The depth of anchoring has stunned me at my human conscious waking mind level. I had thought I had released much of the trauma and the fear and yet when this first unfolded I felt like I was drowning, my human logical mind unable to work out what was happening to me. Energetically I am supported on ALL levels and SOUL group have stepped in in various ways to help me further. This is the support that I offer to ALL at this time, through this blog and through my work.
The life experience on planet earth is so distorted that the only way to address this at human conscious waking mind level is to pour the LOVE that IS across and within the planet at higher and higher frequencies. LOVE is the answer, no matter the question and the question that many of you may be asking at this time is "who am I?" the answer to this question lies beyond 3d earth, indeed it is found on your birth into the New Earth in TRUTH.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.