~Life after "ascension."~

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~Life after "ascension."~





After my most recent post, a lightworker asked whether I still battle the ego on a daily basis even after I released a ton of negative energy which my soul had been accumulating for billions of years. Having released that energy and downloaded the 11-11-11 code activation, one insight I gained is that there is no need to battle anything, even the ego. Resistance to anything is a waste of energy, energy which can be used to enjoy the moment and create our new lives. The wisest choice is to go with the flow, to recognize ego thoughts and utilize them as catalysts for growth to propel us toward creating the lives we want. Ego based thoughts are huge red flags indicating an area ripe with growth potential. How do you recognize an ego-based thought? Any thought that makes you feel limited, weak, or afraid is an ego-based thought. Before my recent "ascension" experience, I spent a lot of time worried about the future, particularly about money. How am I going to pay my bills? Can I afford to send my kids to private school? Part of my ascension was realizing those worries are completely unfounded. My soul has always provided more than I need, and instead of enjoying the blessings I have spent a ton of time worrying that the blessings will stop coming. I had to release the false belief that my financial future is dependent upon circumstances such as the economy, business competition, etc.., when the reality is that my soul is in charge of it all, and circumstances are just a reflection of myself. This was a huge insight for me.

Incidentally, the same day I released my past life karma, I also released the "metatronic death matrix." After releasing the metatronic death matrix, I heard a voice in my head, "you just released all your self defeating programs. Congratulations, you have ascended."

The next day, I received a text regarding a deal my business partners had been working on for years. The deal was finally going through, and my financial concerns eliminated. Here's the important part. The business deal came on the heels of release of my self defeating programs. The release of the self defeating progams came on the heels of consciously realeasing my financial worries and embodying the new belief that all of my worries were unfounded and that my soul is providing me exactly what I want and need at all times, albeit from a higher perspective. Releasing false beliefs on a mental level seems to be the first step. The second step is letting the new empowering belief sink in on an emotional level. Along with that comes the actual physical release of the old energy on a cellular level. After that comes manifestation as the new energy anchors itself into the physical realm.

Life after the new level of ascension has become easier. The new earth is a dimension where nothing bad ever happens and a new wonder awaits around every corner. From a higher perspective, all apparently "bad" things are actually good for a multitude of reasons. Manifesting is easier, no doubt. Work is almost stress free, and things seem to fall into place with little effort. One interesting insight is that ascension at this level is mostly a change in perspective. It manifests as the ability to see life in a detached state of awe and wonder at all times. Someone from an outside perspective could view the positive changes in my life as psychological or coincidental. I still can't walk through walls. I can't fly, walk on water, or move things with my mind yet. I can't make objects materialize out of thin air. Not yet, but there are an infinite number of levels to go, and I'm enjoying this level to the fullest as I move naturally toward the next. Not only that, I'm happy. Really happy! I feel lighter and more powerful. My blood feels like liquid light. The energy in my body feels cool and clean, like the first bite of wintergreen gum or a York Peppermint Pattie. I'm bubbling with ideas about how to serve humanity and the energy to do it. Life keeps getting better and better. I can't think of a better way to spend the rest of eternity!

