Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle September-17-2013

Doreen Smith's picture

Published onĀ Sep 18, 2013

Sheldan's Update for September 17, 2013
11 Oc, 13 Zip, 10 CabanĀ 

Selamat Jarin! We come at this time in joy! Much is happening across your planet that is paving the way to a new world, a world of freedom, filled with prosperity. We come to give you notice that these developments are a sign that a new epoch for humanity is beginning! The new era of openness will start with a series of special government announcements which mark the end of your long association with the forces of darkness. We can finally inform you that the cabal, made up of those who have controlled your world for so long, is to surrender its power to new groups which stand for universal freedom, sovereignty, and prosperity. These groups are preparing to broadcast a series of official announcements which will inform you of what the swathe of new governmental policies are to be. A result of these beneficent policies is that your time and energies will be freed up, enabling you to tackle an urgent priority: cleaning up your planet's air, water, and ground pollution. In this way you will be graduating to a wholly new relationship with your living home world, one which will see you becoming a capable and loving guardian and monitoring the harmonious proliferation of all that is now to happen throughout your globe. Here, it will be a great pleasure to assist you in your many new endeavors. As your world moves out of galactic isolation, you can reestablish connections with your Agarthan cousins. For millennia the dark cabal blocked your interaction with them by presenting you with geophysical 'facts' that were totally false and which 'proved' that a hollow Earth was impossible. This deduction will be shown to be a fallacy and you will be free to be reunited with those who have kept the galactic society of Lemuria intact and flourishing since its demise on the surface world. Together with Lemurian Council members, your Ascended Masters will demonstrate how the dark cabal used the erroneous beliefs you were fed to instill fear, suspicion, separation, and never-ending chaos in your lives. As harmony and peace spreads throughout the land, your focus will turn naturally to redressing the damage done to Gaia and her ecosystems. Once you possess the technology that obviates the need to disturb her land, air, and water, you can joyously rethink how to re-create your societies on all fronts. You will comprehend that every advanced society honors its total dependence on its home world, including the wider sphere of the solar system. You will rediscover the living Oneness of all life. Long ago we reached a set of general principles which we applied in every world that we were permitted by Spirit to settle. These basic premises for living demonstrated their validity time and again, and so we wish to introduce you to these criteria so that you can use them as you see fit. The Agarthans also desire to share their experience by showing you their society as a living example of these principles. Inner Earth is an extension of the surface realm that is already familiar to you, so the Agarthans will logically be the first ones to show you their version of galactic society when they take you on a tour of the inner realms. These stunning inner preserves evoke a deep sense of Loving awe for this beautiful blue-green orb. Here, the land radiates her Love and the Agarthans return this veneration many times over. Once you too experience Gaia's luminous presence, all that the cabal taught you about her and about 'reality' will simply evaporate. By then, Light technologies will have removed any need to farm, fish, or manufacture anything, and your fully prosperous and upgraded living environment will have moved far beyond the level of your present practices of slaughter and pollution.