Emmanuel Dagher – Energy Forecast October 2013 – Feeling The Magic Again – 1 October 2013

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Emmanuelpeaceofficial1Feeling the Magic Again 

October 2013
Peace and blessings, my friend.

It’s always an honor for me to connect with your beautiful presence.

After several months of intense energetic shifts, things are starting to level out within and around us.

The past few months have left many who are sensitive to energy feeling zapped to the core. And even that is an understatement. Although there is no such thing as ever being disconnected from Spirit/Source Energy, it most definitely felt like we were more often than not.

The turning point, where many of us started to sense more balance in our state of being, manifested around the Equinox which took place on September 22nd. On this day, an energetic elevation happened that allowed us to be more at peace with our body, mind, spirit and the Universe.

Feeling the Magic Again

When we personally and collectively move through intense energy cycles like the one we just completed, many of us tend to isolate ourselves from the world around us. This usually happens as a form of self-protection similar to when a caterpillar builds its cocoon that creates a safe haven for it to eventually become a butterfly.

When we are inside of our energetic cocoon, things can feel dim, claustrophobic and disjointed. So it’s only natural that when we are in this transitional stage we have a more challenging time connecting with and feeling the magic of who we really are and what life is truly all about.

Although being in our energetic cocoons can feel isolating, it’s also an excellent time to get to know ourselves on the deepest level. It’s an opportunity to contemplate what we are ready to release and what we are ready to create more of.

Just like when it’s time for the caterpillar to become the butterfly, it’s now time for us to spread our own energetic wings and fly. It’s time to live in the fullness and magic of who we really are.

The magic of the Universe has always been available to us. Many of us are quite familiar with this magic. It is familiar to us because it’s who we are at our core. All of the diligent inner-work and healing that we have chosen to walk through over the years has opened us up to experiencing more of this magic. And even during the intense times when the magic feels like it’s gone, it’s all serving to elevate us to higher states of consciousness where magic can instantly be seen, felt and experienced fully. It is serving to elevate us to a paradigm where it becomes impossible not to be drenched with the magic all the time.

Bold Enough to Be Vulnerable

When we think of being vulnerable, usually we don’t associate it with being bold. However, one of the boldest and most courageous things we can do in today’s world is to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is not to be mistaken for weakness.

Being vulnerable simply means we allow ourselves to be available.

If we always have armor up between us and the world around us, we block ourselves from being available to most of our blessings!

When it comes to being vulnerable, the mind will think things like “but… this person betrayed me, or that person did this to me…” However, this is just the mind’s way of trying to keep itself safe. Know that these experiences do not define who we really are. The sooner we free ourselves from the stories and illusions of insult and injury that keep our armor up 24/7, the sooner we become more available to experiencing joyful blessings.

Of course it is important to discern who we are vulnerable with. We don’t have to be vulnerable with everyone. Remember that when someone is being vulnerable with us or vice versa, it’s a privilege for whoever is on the receiving end of it. So, let’s choose mindfully as to who we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with. And later, if we notice that it may not have been a wise discernment, that’s okay. Let’s use the experience as feedback that it simply was not a vibrational match. At least we tried. The fact that we are willing to be vulnerable opens us up to being more available to the good all around us.

How is this vulnerability showing up in the world? People all over the world who have been oppressed by institutions are taking a leap of faith and standing up for conscious change.

They are being vulnerable enough to vocalize their desires for peace, fairness and equality. Look at how being bold enough to be vulnerable has shifted the energy around the Syrian matter. People rallied for a peaceful alternative and that’s what we got! In some countries, being bold enough to be vulnerable is a cause for punishment, yet people are still rising up, setting aside their differences and overcoming their fear of being vulnerable to create positive change in the world.

A Time to Rest

After all of the excitement we’ve experienced for the last several months, we most definitely deserve some time to rest and pamper ourselves. Many of us who are tending to relationships or are involved with projects that require a large portion of our energy and attention would also benefit greatly by adding equal amounts of rest into our daily routine.

Resting doesn’t mean we put our lives on hold, however it does mean we allot ourselves the time to simply just ‘be’ rather than always having to ‘do.’

We are being gifted with the opportunity right now to experience a bit of a break with the intense energies. This is a great time to pause and just enjoy life. Let’s put our feet up and receive all the beauty life has to offer us. We’ve earned it.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,

©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
