The Chaos Is Now Very Evident~from Jean Haines

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Commentary from   This message from Jean caught my eye as I am lying in bed, resting. And healing. Interesting how the prior dental work I had, namely, extractions, may relate to the entire country of the US. In that now is a time when not only the truth is coming out (being extracted), but anything that blocks it is being “extracted” as well.

And although the “extraction” of the old fiat financial systems may feel a bit “painful” at the beginning, it’s leading to a healthy, Eternal-I centered one.
The Chaos Is Now Very Evident

From ~Jean [Haines]

It seems as if the dam has broken and the truth is finally coming out. In fact, what I am reading and hearing this morning is almost overwhelming. How much of it is ‘real’ truth? I simply do not know right now. I think, however, there is something more important with which we can occupy ourselves than spending our time trying to decide what is really factual information.

We have the opportunity to simply watch all this information flow by as if from a small bridge over a fast-flowing stream. We can watch without judgment. Above all, we can watch without buying into fear and confusion. I believe the fear and confusion perhaps are meant to become so great that people will finally be forced to let go of all that they know and be willing to look at life differently. Many may well be forced to see what they have been thus far unwilling to see.

Also, if we buy into fear, we can then know we haven’t done enough of our own inner work. My experience, which is all I can speak about, is that getting through these changes is truly an inside job. The way out of this mess will come as a result of the inner changes each of us decides to make. When these changes are all over and done with, Spirit/God/Universe will have placed each of us exactly where we need to be to continue our own personal spiritual evolution. It is my opinion, though, that there aren’t going to be any free rides. If we don’t buy the ticket, we don’t take the ride.

The chaos you now see on the outside is a reflection of the chaos on the inside, but you do not have to be a part of it. Use this time as an opportunity to practice staying centered and grounded in your heart. It is obvious to me that a significant collapse of the financial system is now upon us.
