~NEPTUNE, PISCES AND THE POST 2012 PARADIGM ~ Chapter Fourteen from "The Astrology of 2012 and Beyond"
It's time to talk about Neptune and I must admit writing about a planet whose influence flows through everything has me a little confused. Wondering which corner of the universe to start with, at the moment my brain is on overload. And I have to laugh because my lack of clarity is so typically Neptune something tells me this flood of thoughts is his doing; in which case I'd do better to toss out my notes, go with the flow, and stop trying to get linear about a planet that isn't partial to definition.
The consummate spiritual entity, Neptune is our link to the higher realms. If it weren't for him, getting enlightened would be out of the question. The problem is, he lives on a frequency band that most humans don't know how to tune in to. And even though all of us are equipped with everything we need to receive that information, our spiritual centers are so shut down, what comes through from Neptune gets diverted into our lower Chakras, and by the time it hits bottom, what comes out bears very little resemblance to what went in.
Often referred to as the Great Deceiver, Neptune is also the higher octave of Venus; both planets are all about love. If Venus rules the feelings that prompt us to be attracted to one thing or another, Neptune's sense of connection is limitless. Much like the oceans, and the vapors, and the mists that he rules, his essence is water and his radiance permeates the ether with an unconditionally loving force that surrounds and penetrates absolutely everything. Unable to divide or separate, Neptune can unify, he can dissolve, and he can freeze and unfreeze - but when it comes to boundaries, forget about it - this planet doesn't have any.
Unfortunately, in the world we occupy everything is black or white, up or down, good or bad. Unaccustomed to polarity, Neptune wanders around like an alien without a guidebook, trying to figure out why we see it that way. As far as he's concerned Unity and love are all there is, and his ultimate purpose and function have to do with reminding us that those things are as real for us as they are for him:
"The place of our origin, in which we once existed in perfect fusion with the divine Other, is the same place of our eventual return Neptune's longing pours out like a flood in both directions; nostalgia for the lost home and yearning for the reunion that lies some place, some time in a far away future. For many Western people in the modern era, the religious idea of an Eden-like afterlife seems intellectually absurd. But the nostalgia and the yearning have not gone away, and the hope for a blissful reunion, now relegated to the unconscious, is therefore projected onto some future point in this life, when the 'right' partner arrives, or the 'right' job manifests, or when everything somehow magically becomes 'all right'. These sentiments are human and ubiquitous; we all experience them sometimes. They are the characteristic manifestations of the Neptunian longing, reminding us that Something will eventually respond to our call despite our present tribulations. Such feelings can be inspiring and regenerate hope But for the excessively Neptune-prone, the vision of a magical afterlife pursued in this life - where all suffering of separateness will cease and the state of primary fusion will return - may overwhelm any capacity to live in the present" Liz Greene - "Neptune"
Neptune's attempts to show us the way come with no label to warn us that it's extremely difficult to get there from here. Distorted by the Law of Polarity the yearning for Oneness morphs into a lack of discernment that causes one thing to look as good as another. With no line to tell us not to cross it we head straight down the bunny trail and get consumed by whatever we find there. Every time we fall prey to an illusion Neptune is the one who convinces us that what we want to see and what's actually there, are one and the same.
I used to think that there was something insidious about the way Neptune worked but now I see that his deceptions are unintentional; he leads us on because he doesn't know any better either. How could he? It's all the same to him. And even when he drags us through an experience that beats us raw, that too, is all the same to him - because where he lives, love flows through everything - every experience is filled with it. If we blame him for leading us on what we forget is that Neptune can't draw the line between good and bad.
This Oneness with all things is a state that only the saints and the Mother Teresa's of the world truly understand. Christ and Buddha knew it, and somewhere in our cellular memory all of us remember Unity. If Neptune is the planet that takes us home what we find on the road can either enlighten us or drive us insane. Unfortunately the spiritual urge gets twisted here and more often than not our response to it leads us to exalt all kinds of bad behavior:
"Given the spectrum of opposites which Neptune seems to symbolize, from the extremes of psychic and physical disintegration to the life transforming light of inner revelation, it is virtually impossible to state, categorically, when one is masquerading as the other. A deep but unacknowledged thirst for Spirit can disguise itself as addiction or hopeless retreat from reality, just as the so-called enlightened Soul may be an apparent adult with a baby's emotional narcissism, on strike against life and refusing to leave Never-Land." Liz Greene - "Neptune"
This may be why Peter Pan and the crack-whore both belong to Neptune. The governor of every illusion, Neptune is also the ruler of:
Fog, mist, drugs, poison, noxious vapors, gases, perversion, movies, swamps, enlightenment, cartoons, perfume, rivers, oceans, fairies, water nymphs, photography, fantasy, pornography, plastic, oppressed minorities, nostalgia, deceit, divine inspiration, liquor, visions, bacteria, glamour, depression, cosmetics, exploitation, romance, prisons, childhood, poverty, redemption, redeemers, poetry, humiliation, futility, film stars, empathy, narcissism, welfare cheats, snow, hypnosis, hallucinations, asylums, orgies, guilt, floods, impotence, apathy, dreams, breast implants, homesickness, crack houses, barrooms, psychic phenomena, asexuality, sadomasochism, fatigue, victimhood, unrequited love, suffering, self-pity, incurable illness, flowers, purple hair, music, art, addicts, crocodile tears, the invisible realms, large animals, charlatanry, Pollyannaism, insanity, mass hysteria, the collective unconscious, fishermen, fish, and Pisces.
As you can see, he's all over the map - and at this point his place on the map puts Neptune right on the threshold of the sign that he rules. Every astrologer I know has been speculating upon this event for at least five years. Some are of the mind that as soon as Neptune enters Pisces the Earth will automatically ascend into a state of Unity Consciousness. While that's a possibility, I wonder if it's a bit Neptunian to make it an assumption. At the same time, the image of the unconditional love-bird flying into the sign that he not only rules but whose ultimate desire is the same as his own, is such a good omen, even I am tempted to read a miracle into it - but a lot of how this plays out depends upon when the poles reverse.
If they shift in 2010 and we're already living in a world where there's no war, no lack, no fear, and no sense of separation to divide us, Neptune's ingress will enhance whatever our visions of bliss and Unity conjure up. In their highest expression he and Pisces are totally familiar with the spiritual realms, and if that's where we are when they come together, the same planet that deludes us into thinking that our fantasies have substance will finally be able to show us that in his realm the power of dreaming has a much different effect. Once we're there I have a feeling the same force that gets us into trouble down here will be the very thing that we use to dream the Age of Light into Being.
All I can do is imagine this, but the picture of the Water God moving through the Womb of Creation suggests that what we weave into being will emerge from the Void in the same way that the Christian God gave birth to the world in the first chapter of Genesis. If our perspective makes it hard to believe that we too are Creators here, the synchronicities that cause us to wonder why someone calls, or why things appear the moment we think of them, or why a seemingly random impulse takes us exactly where we need to go, invite us to see that what we find hard to believe just might be true.
This is what Neptune's been trying to tell us all along. And if we've taken a few baby steps in that direction it's because between the Great Shift and his ingress into Pisces, on some level the collective consciousness is being prepared to make full use of what we never knew was natural to us until now. As the veil that separates the Fourth World from the Fifth World dissolves, the ability to create out of nothing, and the idea that the imaginal realm is the birthplace of every experience, won't seem as foreign to us as it does now. For those of you who are new to this concept, the following quote from Slim Spurling offers a clear explanation of how it works:
"We focus on what we can see and we think everything comes from that. But it's what we can't see that forms what our senses tell us is real. If we understood more about the invisible forces that operate behind the world of form, we would discover that nothing is scarce - and that it is out of the ether that absolutely everything is created. This is why what we call 'Magic' works.
Basically, everything comes out of nothing - and whatever 'nothing' is, our thoughts appear to stir it. But all thought emanates from the ether too - the mind doesn't source our thought processes - it is only a receiving mechanism that is calibrated to be receptive (or not) to what comes from the invisible...There will be moments when our personal frequency sets will intersect with the wavelengths of thought coming out of the ether. At those points, or nodes of intersection, regardless of the dictates of our primary coding, we can become receptive to the information coming from the universe. So what exists as a frequency IN-Forms it self in our consciousness and in those moments, whatever we download creates the space for us to expand into something new.
"All of the major astrological transits and progressions are in reality points where our personal coding can be altered by the presence of etheric frequency sets that are timed to open us up to an entirely new set of possibilities. The call to wake up will be heeded, or not, depending on the individual's ability to transmute whatever comes through as IN-Formation If the individual is open enough to take in the new set of frequencies, a quantum leap occurs within their consciousness and they can expand beyond the limits of the Third Dimension."
(This quote was extracted from a conversation that was recorded by me while Slim Spurling and I were driving from Denver to Santa Fe in the winter of 2004. Now deceased, Slim was a free-energy genius and inventor who developed the technology to clear up 80% of the pollution on the planet. His Ghostwriter and Muse until his death in 2007, it was my good fortune to be the one to chronicle and record everything he said)
New frequency sets have been pouring out of the ether ever since the discovery of Uranus over two centuries ago. Those energies were amplified when, one by one, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron showed up to do their part to rearrange our thinking. Charged with leveling the ground and laying the foundation for what amounts to a planetary sex change, one could say that over the course of 200 years Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron patiently administered the necessary hormones, counseled us thoroughly, and instructed us as to what we need to do to adapt to a different polarity. Now that the Great Shift is imminent it's as if the entire planet is in the operating room, waiting for the doctor to step in and complete the transformation.
If the appearance of the Blue Star marked the beginning of the End Times, it's safe to assume that the frequency sets that have been pouring out of the heavens since the Fall of 2007 are meant to open our minds and our Hearts to a whole new way of being. Of late, my conversations with people indicate that just about everyone is in a state of accelerated change. Most of them are acutely aware of the need to stop living their lives according to the patterns and beliefs that formed our prescription for success and fulfillment in the past. All of them agree that the old formula just doesn't seem to work anymore.
Hearing things like this on a daily basis, and having my own experience to refer to, what I see is that something is awakening in all of us, something vastly different than what we're accustomed to. As yet the momentum of 13,000 years of Male programming and control based belief patterns retains some of its power - but something else has found its way into our lives, and whatever it is, it seems to operate on a softer, effortless, more intuitive wavelength.
It wasn't until this book made it mandatory for me to think more deeply about the astrology behind the Great Shift that I had the following epiphany. Mulling over every symbol, all of a sudden it hit me that Neptune's entrance into Pisces is an entirely Female event, one that I suspect will light up the Feminine torch and put the finishing touches on both the work of the four outer planets and the planetary sex change I referred to earlier.
I say this because Neptune's essence is water; water is intrinsically feminine - and Pisces, as we now know, rather than being the end of the line is the womb where all things begin, or the Vesica Pisces out of which all life emerges. If we take Neptune's watery, unconditionally loving frequencies to be akin to amniotic fluid, his entrance into the Piscean womb will mark the point where humanity and Mother Earth herself will begin to vibrate according to the Female Principle.
I have no doubt that women will lead the way, and I am clear that children will have something to do with it too - because women and children always come first and unconditional love is something they both understand. I don't know how, or where, or who, or what this will involve, but the correspondences alone are too obvious to ignore and they seem to suggest that everything we associate with the power of the Female will replace the Masculine Principle by or before the Spring of 2011 - whether the poles have shifted or not. The following quote explores that possibility:
"The next few years will be the most important years in human history. We will survive these vast changes in human understanding with the help of Mother Earth as we have many times before, but never before has the universe opened to us as it will in the coming years.
The secret is Unconditional Love, which will present itself through human beings who will change life on Earth forever. Most of these human beings will be children or young adults who have found their way into their Hearts. And it will be the women who will understand and follow the children into their Hearts and take this new way of being into the world. Finally, probably with great trepidation, the men will make the transformation that will truly complete the cycle. It is almost always this way.
It is the images and dreams that come from the Hearts of these children that will be the power that actually makes these changes. The children and the women will be the first to enter into the act of creation and change the world from within." Drunvalo Melchizedek - "The Serpent of Light"
If unconditional love is the secret I don't know anyone who knows more about it than Neptune. Could he be the doctor? Am I taking the analogy too far?
Thinking over all of the subtleties held in the Neptune-Pisces imagery also made me wonder if the poles might shift at Neptune's point of ingress. If this is in fact, a totally feminine milestone, would our reversal of perspective manifest outwardly, at the physical level, as a pole reversal? This is pure speculation on my part, but the Hermetic Axiom, makes me feel like it's not too out far of the question to see it that way.
The Female is already awake at the etheric level; by the time Neptune enters Pisces she will be fully installed. If there's any substance to the above line of reasoning maybe we should include April 4, 2011 as a date for a possible pole shift, and consider August 4th and 5th, 2011 as well. Neptune will sit at zero degrees Pisces on each of those dates. And while there are no other transits to support this theory, the combination of the imagery and the inherent potency of the point of ingress makes me feel like it's worth mentioning.
WHAT IF ...?
If the poles reverse after 2012 - and there are a series of dates that suggest that they might - Neptune's entrance into Pisces will present us with another set of variables. I never thought I'd hear myself say this but I hope the poles shift sooner, rather than later because some of the scenarios we've outlined so far will get even messier if we have to wait around. When things are already in a state of dissolution Neptune and Pisces have a tendency to bring out the worst kind of suffering - and it breaks my Heart to think that we could live to see a tremendous amount of it.
If you review the list of things that Neptune rules, and highlight the ones that aren't all hearts and flowers, you'll find yourself left with this:
Drugs, poison, noxious vapors, gases, perversion, deceit, bacteria, prisons, poverty, redemption, suffering, self-pity, hypnosis, orgies, guilt, impotence, apathy, victimhood, floods, humiliation, futility, exploitation, incurable illness, insanity, mass hysteria, charlatanry.
That's only a partial list by the way; I am sure that I missed a few things. But let's work with what we have and layer that imagery over a broken down system, masses of homeless, hungry people, cataclysms, death, external chaos, anarchy, frequency wars, etc. For some reason a cross between Hieronymus Bosch's more Hellish works and "Mad Max - Beyond Thunder Dome" come to mind; if you don't get the picture I will paint one for you.
Drugs, poison, noxious vapors, and bacteria floating around in a world that has fallen apart doesn't sound good to me. Neptune rules water. It rules rain by extension. What will rain down on us will be infected with things that will make our water undrinkable. Pure fresh water is the source of all life. What will we do when there isn't any? What will we do when our waterways and reservoirs are filled with drug residues from hospitals that, due to circumstances, are unable to maintain even minimal standards?
And what about the air we breathe? At 16%, Oxygen levels are already a hair away from the point that makes it difficult to function. Who knows what kind of chemicals they're pumping into the atmosphere? Chem-Trails checker board the sky every day - by 2012, if we keep it up things will only get worse. Sounds like noxious vapors to me.
Poverty; we've seen what Third World poverty looks like. Did you ever see yourself living that way? Me neither. It's hard to believe it could get that bad but we may all be subjected to that experience and have to live through what billions of human beings are currently all too familiar with.
Prisons; prisons are what totalitarian systems rely upon to keep people in line, and you can bet that if there's any Law and Order at all, it will be totalitarian. Martial Law is already being talked about. If the ones who support that idea create enough excuses to mandate it in the guise of trying to provide shelter for the homeless, many of us will be herded off to detainment camps. Believe it or not, these camps have already been set up.
This isn't the kind of news you'd hear on CNN, but if you do a little research you soon find out that all the military bases that were closed down twenty odd years ago were converted into detainment camps; shades of Auschwitz? It feels that way to me. Back in 1998 I was told by an ex-Navy Seal, who quit when he could no longer live with himself and work on that project, that they already have gas lines piped in.
When things get this bad deceit, apathy, suffering, victimhood, incurable illness, insanity, humiliation, futility, and mass hysteria, go with the territory. And you could take anything else that remains on Neptune's list and use your imagination to see where it fits into this picture we've painted. Far be it from me to be the bearer of bad tidings, but if we have to wait until after 2012 for the poles to shift, what we have to live through in the meantime could get ugly.
The problem with all of the above is that it has already started to manifest. At this point we are semi-aware of the water issue and the air issue - and the poverty issue, looms over us too. I hate to feed visions of the worst case scenario but we're barreling toward it, half asleep, still oblivious to what it will lead to. If we go all the way to the end of the line, Neptune's lower expression will find us wondering why we didn't see it coming.
Some of you may be disturbed by what I've just said. It isn't a pretty picture. And while many of us feel it's both unwise and un-spiritual to give thoughts like this any air-time, telling ourselves not to think about it, sweeping all the supposedly bad stuff under the rug, and spraying the room with affirmations is a form of spiritual Pollyannaism that, to me, overindulges the preference for one polarity other the other. We're moving into Unity Consciousness. Only wanting to see the light at a time when everything's dissolving into Oneness denies the fact that what we refuse to speak of is full of it.
So where will the light be if we're living in Hell? If you've been through war, death, fear, grief, or have ever been in want, you know that our hardest, most painful experiences are where we find God. Neptune understands this, as much as Pisces does -and while there's no way to sugar-coat any of this with spiritual platitudes, no matter how bad it gets, what is intrinsic to both the planet and the sign will be there to sustain us even through the worst case scenario.
If the poles haven't shifted by the 2012 Winter Solstice we will be in rough shape, all the way around. No one will be exempt from this; and what I'm wondering is, at that point will anyone even care whether the world flips over or not? It feels to me like we'll either be too destitute to notice, or praying for something to take us home and/or put us out of our misery.
If that is the case there is one big aspect between Uranus and Pluto that in my opinion would be enough to trigger off a pole shift. Forming a Square as of June 6, 2012, Uranus and Pluto will maintain that pattern on and off until May 20, 2014. In the best of times this aspect is explosive. In the worst of times, God knows what it will do.
To help you understand why I have singled it out a few analogies may be in order. The Uranus-Pluto combination is one I have always compared to pouring gasoline on a bonfire. The astrological recipe for the ultimate Molotov cocktail, it blows everything to bits. Seen another way the image of lightening uprooting the core of human consciousness comes to mind. And if we understand Uranus to be the cataclysmic entity, and cast Pluto as the Lord of the Underworld, some all encompassing disaster ripping the bowels of the Earth apart wouldn't be hard to picture.
Uranus squares Pluto on the following dates:
June 6, 2012 - October 13, 2012
April 26, 2013 - June 11, 2013
September 28, 2013 - November 24, 2013
March 26, 2014 - May 20, 2014
This will be a two year process. It is a cataclysmic aspect. The poles could shift on any of those dates, or during any of the gaps that separate them. I feel certain that there will be many Earth changes during this period no matter what - and if we are still living with a worn out system, this will create a tremendous personal and collective unrest, making death and disaster more apparent than any prospect of a rebirth.
If the poles reverse prior to 2012, the Uranus-Pluto Square translates as radical changes that require the ability to look out upon the world from a perspective that isn't weighed down by the precepts of the past. It suggests that between 2012 and 2014 we will be in the midst of massive social and cultural changes that mandate a whole new approach living and being in the world. According to the Hopi, " there will be much to rebuild". Somehow the picture of rising from the ashes comes to mind. If that's how it goes, we will be rising from the ashes between 2012 and 2014 and I have a feeling that process will continue until Neptune finally leaves Pisces in 2025.
Both the Redeemer and the redemptive process are ruled by Neptune. This is why I am hard pressed to cast him as the Great Deceiver, because the way I see it, if he takes us all the way down, at least he has the good grace to instill the hope that someone or something will eventually come to the rescue. Dreams of salvation coexist with all of our worst case scenarios. This may be why every End Times account speaks to the idea of a redeemer showing up at the last minute to save a chosen few from total annihilation.
The Bible states that the Apocalypse will coincide with the Second Coming of Christ. According to Christian dogma, Jesus will return in the flesh, wash away every sin, and choose 144,000 chastened Souls to follow him into Paradise. I have never known how much credence to give that version of the tale, but I am willing to concede that underneath all the fire and brimstone it bears a faint whiff of Truth.
New Age doctrine puts a different spin on the story, one that most of us find easier to swallow - and that is that the Second Coming of Christ is the awakening of the Christ Consciousness within. From that perspective the End Times appears as a point in our evolutionary process where the seeds that were planted by Christ and Mary Magdalene will, after 2000 odd years, awaken in our Hearts, making each one of us a Christed Being and thus, our own Redeemer.
Hopi prophesy centers around many things, one of which happens to be the return of the Great White Brother. Otherwise known as the Pahana, according to their account, if he hasn't already arrived, he's due to appear in the next few years, and when he does the Earth will be restored to balance. Their version of the tale differs from the Christian and the New Age renditions in that it allows the enlightened Savior and the process of self-redemption to share the same bed. What follows is a transcription of that legend;
"The Hopi and others who were saved from the Great Flood made a sacred covenant never to turn away from him. He made a set of sacred stone tablets, called Tiponi, into which he breathed his teachings, prophecies, and warnings. Before the Great Spirit hid himself again, he placed before the leaders of the four different racial groups, four different colors and sizes of corn; each one was to choose which would be their food in this world. The Hopi waited until last and picked the smallest ear of corn. At this Great Spirit said;
'It is well done. You have obtained the real corn, for all the others are imitations in which are hidden seeds of different plants. You have shown me your intelligence; for this reason I will place in your hands these sacred stone tablets, Tiponi, symbol of power and authority over all land and life to guard, protect, and hold in trust for me until I shall return to you in a later day, for I am the First and I am the Last.'
The Great Chieftain of the Bow Clan led the faithful ones to this new land, but he fell into evil ways. His two sons scolded him for his mistake, and after he died they assumed the responsibilities of leadership. Each brother was given a set of Tiponi, and both were instructed to carry them to a place to which the Great Spirit directed them.
The elder brother of the shining light was told to go immediately to the East, toward the rising sun, and upon reaching his destination to start back immediately to look for his younger brother, who remained on Turtle Island (the Continental United States of America)
His mission was to help his younger brother bring about the Purification Day, at which time all evil doers would be punished or destroyed, after which real peace, brotherhood, and everlasting life would be established. The elder brother would restore all land to his younger brother, from whom the Evil One among the white men had taken it. The elder brother of the shining light also would come to look for the Tiponi tablets and fulfill the mission given to him by Great Spirit.
The younger brother was instructed to travel throughout the land and mark his footsteps as he went about. Both brothers were told that a great white star would appear in the sky; when that happened, all the people would know that the elder brother had reached his destination. Thereupon all people were to settle wherever they happened to be at that time, there to remain until the elder brother returned.
The Hopi settled in the area now known as Four Corners, where the state lines of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado meet. They lived in humble simplicity and the land produced abundant crops. This area is the "heart" of Turtle Island (the U.S.) and of Mother Earth, and it is the microscopic image of the macrocosm of the entire planet. Each Hopi clan perpetuates a unique ceremony, and the ceremonies together maintain the balance of natural forces of sunlight, rain and winds, and reaffirm the Hopi respect for all life and trust in the Great Spirit.
The Hopi were told that after a time White Men would come and take their land and try to lead the Hopi into evil ways. But in spite of all the pressures against them, the Hopi were told that they must hold to their ancient religion and their land, though always without violence. If they succeeded, they were promised that their people and their land would be a center from which the True Spirit would be reawakened.
It is said that after many years the elder brother might change the color of his skin, but his hair will remain black. He will have the ability to write, and he will be the only person able to read the Tiponi. When he returns to find his younger brother, the Tiponi will be placed side by side to show all the world that they are true brothers. Then great judgment will take place, for the elder will help the younger brother to obtain real justice for all Indian brothers who have been cruelly mistreated by the white man since he came to Turtle Island.
The transformed elder brother, the True White Brother, will wear a red cloak or a red cap, similar to the pattern on the back of a horned toad. He will bring no religion but his own, and will bring with him the Tiponi tablets. He will be all-powerful; none will be able to stand against him. He will come swiftly, and in one day gain control of the entire continent. It is said that if he comes from the East the destruction will not be so bad. But if he comes from the West, do not get up on your housetops to see because he will have no mercy.
When the time of the Great Purification is near, these helpers will shake the Earth first for a short time in preparation. After they shake the Earth two times more, they will be joined by the True White Brother, who will become one with them and bring the Purification Day to the world. All three will help the 'younger brother' (the Hopi and other pure-hearted people) to make a better world. In the prophecies, the two helpers are designated by the Hopi word for 'population' as if they were large groups of people.
The Hopi were told that if these three great beings failed, terrible evil would befall the world and great numbers of people would be killed. However, it was said that they would succeed if enough Hopi remained true to the ancient spirit of their people. The True White Brother and his helpers will show the people of the Earth a great new life plan that will lead to everlasting life. The Earth will become beautiful and new again, with an abundance of life and food. Those who are saved will share everything equally. All races will intermarry and speak one tongue and be a family." From Dan Evehema's "Messages to Mankind"
White Feather, whom we met in an earlier chapter, mentioned the True White Brother in a conversation that took place between him and David Young during a long drive across a desert highway;
"My people await the Pahana, the Lost White Brother, (from the stars) as do all our brothers in the land. He will not be like the white men we know now, who are cruel and greedy. We were told of their coming long ago. But still we await Pahana.
He will bring with him the symbols, and the missing piece of that sacred tablet now kept by the Elders, given to him when he left, that shall identify him as our True White Brother.
Many of my people, understanding the prophecies shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon very soon afterward Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their Hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World." Frank Waters - "The Book of the Hopi"
What interests me is how Neptune's entrance into Pisces coincides with predictions of a Redeemer. Astrology and prophesy merge once again. Like I said earlier Neptune always implies the prospect of someone or something coming along to save us. If, like all of the others, the Pahana prophecy is fulfilled, would Neptune's ingress into Pisces mark the point at which the Savior appears?
The Hopi don't include dates with any of their prophecies but the legend of the True White Brother hints that he will return after the poles shift. The reference is confusing because it says things will be shaken up and after they're disrupted the Pahana will come and the Great Purification will take place - I don't know if the shaking is the pole shift or if this is what is meant by the Great Purification - but if they reverse in 2010 the Pahana could easily make himself known in the Spring of 2011, or anytime between Neptune's entrance into Pisces and his point of departure from that sign in 2025. My sense is that this will happen on or near April 4, 2011.
Another thing that can't be ignored is the fact that Pahana translates as 'a population' or groups of people. Groups of people have been coming together in prayer, ceremony, and meditation to do whatever they can to heal Mother Earth for at least ten years. Other groups have been working from a different angle, but with the same purpose, developing technologies and energy systems that don't rape and deplete the planet. And groups of children and young people, kids with a totally different perspective on life are telling the older generation that changing the world is easy once you figure out how to go into your Heart and envision it. Could the Pahana be more than one person, or a group of souls, rather than an enlightened individual? Are we all the Redeemer?
While we're on the subject of the True White Brother; before I even began to think about Neptune, I formed a theory around the Pahana's return coinciding with Chiron's conjunction with the Aries Point, which doesn't occur until May of 2018. The Indigenous planet, the one that understands his connection to the natural world, crossing the point that rules the masses, or the point of collective fulfillment corresponds enough with the image of a savior emerging from the ranks of the people for me to think that it might take till 2018 for the Pahana to appear.
To date, (2008) the Elders have indicated that none of the people who have stepped forward claiming to be the True White Brother have met their qualifications. The Tiponi tablets are still waiting for the missing piece to be restored. My sense is that it is Neptune's entrance into Pisces that will open the space for this to happen and that it will take until 2011 for the Redeemer to 'claim power from the assembled tribe' and lead us in to the Age of Light.
Reflecting on everything we've said about Neptune it must be clear to you now that he really is all over the map, so much so that his watery essence and the spiritual energy that radiates from his center touch every aspect of the changes we are about to go through. As he approaches the sign that he rules, be prepared to open to the softer, effortless, more intuitive frequencies that he is so good at stimulating - because they are the first glimmers of what is to come.
Immediately prior to his ingress into Pisces, Neptune will stand at the border that separates the Old Paradigm from the new one; that point is also the new Equinoctal point; it is more than significant and could be considered to hold the seed atom for the Aquarian Age. The Sabian Symbol for that degree of the Zodiac was mentioned in Chapter Five, and since Neptune will collect light from that point before he steps into a new sign, it seems appropriate to take a second look at the imagery and use it to remind ourselves how important it is to dissolve every boundary and begin to envision what life might be like if Oneness was part of our vocabulary.
KEYNOTE: The ability for the person with an open mind and a deep feeling for self-transcendence to come in contact with higher forms of existence.
The originally recorded Sabian symbol stated: 'The field of Ardath in bloom', which referred to a scene in an occult novel by Marie Corelli centering upon ancient Babylon. The reference may well have been a 'blind' inasmuch as Marc Jones has stressed his inner contact with a Brotherhood with Babylonian (or 'Sabian') roots. (Author's note: Mr. Jones claimed that these symbols were transmitted by a collective Soul, or Brotherhood of Souls whose origins he traced back to Babylon) A spiritual Brotherhood constitutes a state of 'multi-unity' - i.e. a multiplicity of individuals, if one thinks of the paths they trod to reach their final metamorphosis, but a unity of consciousness and 'Soul' - thus unanimity ('anima' meaning Soul). In this spiritual Whole each unit is a recognizable 'form' or entity if one looks at it with the eyes of personality; but when seen through a unified spiritual vision or from a distance, the Whole appears to be one single area of radiant light. Similarly, when studied by the modern physicist, light can be apprehended either as a stream of identifiable particles (photons) or as one continuous wave. Whether it is seen as one or the other depends on the point of view.
This is the last and culminating symbol of Scene Twenty-two of the cyclic ritual. This is indeed, a fitting symbol, as the number 22 symbolizes all forms of mastery. At any level, it is a symbol of spiritual group fulfillment - of CONSCIOUS TOTALITY OF BEING."
About Cal Garrison
Cal Garrison is a practicing astrologer with 40 years of experience. At present she goes between casting horoscopes, writing books, and working as the personal assistant to Drunvalo and Claudette Melchizedek. Editor in Chief at Drunvalo's online magazine, 'The Spirit of Ma'at', Cal is also a syndicated columnist for the Associated Press. An author with five books to her credit, and another one on the way, Ms. Garrison is well known for her affiliation with the late Slim Spurling. Out of love for her mentor she continues to support his research with her dowsing, through her articles, and as the spokesperson for Slim's tools at all of Drunvalo's workshops. A single mother with three grown daughters, Cal lives happily in the Red Rocks of Sedona, Arizona. She can be reached at: cal.garrison@gmail.com