This Has Got To Be The Worst Joke Of The Century!

Ra-Raela's picture
Claiborne D.,
11:06 AM (13 hours ago)


to me

Hi Carolin,

Incredible! In just a few days, over 200,000 people have signed our petition to the World Food Prize Foundation. What's more, tens of thousands of you have shared the campaign with your friends.

The World Food Prize should be about positive, beneficial advances for our agriculture system. Genetically-modified products have ignited an arms race in nature that's leading to millions of tons of pesticides being dumped onto our planet, intensifying unhealthy monoculture farming, and locking hundreds of thousands of small farmers into a dangerous cycle of debt and dependence. These are not agricultural advances to be celebrated -- we need breakthroughs that benefit people, not corporations.

Our collective action is rocking the food community. We've heard back from numerous other organizations campaigning on this issue and others that push back against Monsanto's overreach. With time growing short, the best way to get out pressure on the World Food Prize organization is to spread the word.

The two biggest ways that you can help out are:

Click here to forward the email below to your friends.

emailClick here to share this campaign with your friends on Facebook.
Monsanto Facebook share

Thank you for standing against the mainstreaming of Monsanto, 

Claiborne and the rest of us


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In an obscene development, a Monsanto executive is winning this year’s “Nobel Prize of agriculture” -- the prestigious World Food Prize -- for creating GMOs. Receiving it legitimizes the sort of rampant genetic modification Monsanto pioneered, and helps validate a ruthless business model that impoverishes farmers and monopolizes our food. If that wasn't baffling enough, the founder of Syngenta, the same biotech giant joining Bayer in suing Europe to keep selling bee-killing pesticides, will also win the prize. The ceremony is in less than two weeks, so we need to act now.

Tell the World Food Prize Foundation not to reward Monsanto and bee-killer Syngenta’s outrageous practices. 

Thank you


SumOfUs is a world-wide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy. You can follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook
