‘Courage is contagious’: Whistleblowing Fantastic Four talk ‘Snowden effect’ on RT

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RT.com - 10/11/13


RT photo / Semyon Khorunzhy

RT photo / Semyon Khorunzhy


A group of US whistleblowers and activists have met in Moscow to present NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden with the Sam Adams Award for ‘Integrity in Intelligence’. They came to RT’s studio to share their thoughts on global surveillance.


After a secret meeting with Snowden, the four whistleblowers – former NSA executive Thomas Andrews Drake, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, former FBI agent Coleen Rowley and Jesselyn Radack of Government Accountability Project – all met in RT’s studio to discuss the perils of doing what right and why Snowden should be lauded as a hero for sending shock waves around the world.


Video and more: RT.com


