Stellar Beings – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 15, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture



(Translated from original language german)

My child , don’t you have often wondered whether any of these so twinkling stars on your night sky is inhabited? They are nearly all inhabited, either on the surface, inside or both. The inhabitants are of different shapes, some are human or humanoid, others have animal form, and others are not beings like you know. This does not mean that they want to harm you. Your film industry has drummed you that all these beings want to destroy or enslave the people and the earth. Just as there are also those among your people who you call as good or evil, there are also among the galactic beings those who are well disposed towards you, or are just on their own advantage. But you must not fear them, for only those stellar beings who are sympathetic to you and Gaia and who help you in your development, now have permission to approach the earth. They are already for thousands of years with their light ships within reach to the earth. They are full of love for you and your fellow man. So do not fear them, my child. ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.



When I was six or seven years

AdolfoGiurfa's picture

When I was six or seven years old, and that was more than 65 years ago, one night I raised by head to the night sky, and I saw "the seven sisters", the pleiades, and had a feeling of longing….

That's what

Mario's picture

"It's the blind running in my shine showing off in the sky for hundreds" That's what they meant Light ships I had contact but Only experienced it in bit's and pieces haha amazing, If only I could get there Once again, every time I get there, There's always a big chance they trow me in the looney bin haha free will only gets you so far when your frequency is rising up above the ignorance of others sometimes it can be deconstructif if they are more than you and other times constructif depending where you are at and what kind of miracles you manage to get at and help you show others that you really know what's going on and what your doing is actually something quite more specific to a higher dimensional point "the spherical concepts" But what do you want someday things all accelerate again and I'll be on the right track no more new paths for me, got to be some smart to get things moving sometimes.

Namaste take care, be at One

Love and Light Brother Mario