ACTlON ALERT! Please Sign The Petition To Avert Another Slaughter of Dolphins For Entertainment!!

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The town of Taiji, Japan plans to open a marine park where tourists can swim with dolphins -- but such a park would fund the town's nearby dolphin slaughter.

Please sign the petition today!


Stand Against Marine Park That Funds Dolphin Killing

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Dear Carolin, 

Have you ever seen a dolphin in the wild? It can be breathtaking to watch, especially if you're lucky enough to be in the water with them. A town called Taiji, Japan is trying to open a marine park where tourists can do just that -- experience the wonder of swimming with intelligent, playful dolphins. 

But just a short distance away, town residents will lure dolphins into a cove and slaughter them -- and this murder will be funded by the money generated from the park.

The proposed marine park would allow tourists not only to swim with the dolphins but also kayak alongside dolphins and small whales. The cove would be divided to allow for people to enjoy these water “sports” while also tasting various marine products, including whale and dolphin meat. And in nearby Hatake jiri Bay, fishermen will be busy killing hundreds of dolphins for that very meat.

The idea of keeping dolphins in captivity for human entertainment is bad enough. The fact that this activity will allow for even more slaughter is downright horrifying.

Please sign the petition to stand against the opening of Taiji's water park. 


Thank you for taking action, 

Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team
