GFP Note: The 20 people discussed in this article are: Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Prof. Stephen Hawking, Dr Herman Oberth, Dr J Allen Hynek, General Douglas MacArthur, Gordon Cooper, Lord Hugh Caswall Treenheere Dowding, J Edgar Hoover, Walter Cronkite, Fran Drescher, David Bowie, Sigourney Weaver, Elvis Presley, Mick Jagger, Dan Aykroyd, Tom Cruise,
and John Lennon.
International Business Times
UFOs, Aliens: 20 of Most Famous People Who Believe in Extraterrestrials [PHOTOS]
UFOs & Aliens: Famous People Who Believe in Extraterrestrials
Stories about UFOs are top movie themes but some celebrities also believe in them and by extension, believe in aliens too. But it's not just celebs who believe in UFOs and extraterrestrials. According to historical accounts, there are also a number of famous people from history who believe that we are not alone. From Elvis to former U.S. Presidents, famous believers of the UFO phenomenon come from diverse backgrounds.
Walter Cronkite
In the 1950s, Walter Cronkite was invited to a Pacific island with other reporters to observe an Air Force display of their new missile. As it launched, according to Cronkite, a flying object in the shape of a disc hovered in the sky. The UFO later fired a bluish beam towards the missile but it also hit an Air Force security personnel and his dog. The security guard, the dog, and the missile froze in place after the beam hit them, reports say. The reporters, in shock, were told by a colonel that the Air Force has been working on a new technology and wanted to test how people will react when they see it in action. Cronkite and other reporters were told not to report the incident.