The Cosmic Story: Aries/Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ~ Eclipse Season Signals a Big Change Coming

MomT's picture By Cathy Lynn PaganoHeadlined to H4 10/15/13

Lunar Eclipse by NASA
   Evolution is happening all around us!   The fact that we can consciously experience the changes going on within ourselves and in the world is a rare occurrence, because usually evolution takes thousands and millions of years.   And I bet you thought change was happening too slowly!   When we set out on the path of personal change and collective evolution, it is very much an unexpected journey.   Like Bilbo setting off with the dwarves for Lone Mountain and his confrontation with Smaug, we evolve through the tasks we face along the journey.   That's what the phrase you're exactly where you're supposed to be means.   If we've been true to the journey, we end up with just the right talents, knowledge and experience we need to actually evolve and change.  
   With eclipse season upon us, get ready to complete a task, learn a new skill or face an old demon that needs to be brought into the Light.   Consciousness never hurts--even when it does. Once on the path of self-awareness, we can never get off--we only take detours that demand our attention.   It all leads to one goal--the Wisdom that will help us move on to the next stage of human evolution--living to our highest potential.
Lunar eclipses (which have a 19 year cycle) signal a completion and an awareness that could change the course of our journey if we let it.   Eclipses can bring in new people and opportunities that might seem like a sudden surprise, but are the result of all the many tasks we've completed in the last 19 years.   Or you might suddenly come to the end of a relationship, project or psychological complex.   What have you made of your life since 1994, the last time a lunar eclipse occurred at 26* Aries/Libra?    
If you have a planet or the Nodes in aspect to this eclipse--either near 26* Aries/Libra or squaring them from 26*Cancer/Capricorn--you will be most affected by this energy.   Be aware of synchronicities that reveal the meaning of what you've accomplished in those years.   May you finally get the message and leave the past behind, honoring the experiences by making them conscious and giving them meaning.

Venus and Mars by Sandro Botticelli
This eclipse is ruled by both Mars and Venus.   Mars in Virgo, ruling the Aries Moon, opposes Neptune in Pisces.   These archetypal powers have the most contrasting energies in the heavens.   Mars contains the energy of incarnation, the flame of life in matter.   Neptune is the mystical energy of other dimensions, other realities.   Where Mars helps us achieve our worldly desires, Neptune dissolves our attachment to them.   And yet oppositions are complementary--they enhance each other's power.    This Aries lunar eclipse is shaped by a spiritual purpose aimed at more imaginative outcomes.   It's time for the sacred masculine to come back into the world.  
The Sun in Libra is ruled by Venus in Sagittarius, so we are getting connected to Cosmic Laws, the Law of Attraction as well as the binary laws of our solar system--the union of opposites.   Venus has a flowing connection to Uranus in Aries.   Both planets are in fire signs, so these archetypal powers are literally playing with fire.   Uranus in Aries awakens us to our larger identity while Venus in Sagittarius connects us to a cosmic vision that wants to become part of human society.   We have to understand how we fit into the larger scheme of life--and we have to accept our role as agents of evolution.  
Venus and Mars are directing the energy of this eclipse.   Love is the Law, Love under Will. ( Aleister Crowley) This is what we're aiming for at this eclipse. When the matter of our Earth comes between the Sun and Moon, let your lunar nature lead the way.   Perhaps the Moon magic will call up a part of you that has the exact gift you need to proceed.
Aries Lunar Eclipse 2013
The lunar eclipse occurs on Friday, October 18, 2013 at 4:37pm PDT/ 7:37pm EDT/ 11:37 pm GMT.   It can be seen in Europe, Africa and the Americas.   Go out and take a look!

Aries Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2013 by Cathy Pagano/Kepler
   Because the Earth blocks the Sun's light during a lunar eclipse, we see the Moon directly.   A lunar eclipse stirs up the emotional body, bringing up what our patriarchal-shaped egos have repressed or forgotten, making us aware of our hidden motivations.   Usually we hide from fear, so confront your fears and look at your real motivations for doing what you do.  
A lunar eclipse can bring up the Shadow; we can act it out unconsciously or recognize and integrate it into our conscious personality and act accordingly.   The positive aspects of Aries are courage, self-sufficiency and leadership; its shadow is selfishness, rashness and aggression.   Libra's positive attribute are sociability, fairness and diplomacy, while its shadow side is indecision, self-sacrifice and dependency.   This lunar eclipse asks us to acknowledge these issues and see where we stand.
Cathy Pagano is the author of a new book, "Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World". Cathy trained at the C. G. Jung Institut-Zurich in dream interpretation, then got her M.A. in Counseling Psychology in Feminine Spirituality, and along the way became a certified Life Coach. As an astrologer and storyteller, she weaves the Cosmic Stories written in the stars and from The Bard's Grove, comments on emerging archetypal themes in movies. Cathy works with the tools of the imagination - dreams, alchemy, myths, astrology, symbolic language, storytelling, ritual - to awaken the Soul's wisdom.

I believe that Americans are called to a higher consciousness at this point in our history. We are called on to live up to our ideals and create the country our forefathers imagined. Inner consciousness needs to be acted upon for social justice.

Cathy believes that our writers and artists must take up our responsibility to create art that inspires, teaches and heals our humanity.

Cathy writes about political, psychological/spiritual, and cultural issues.
