This is RC and I share my Light and Love with All.
Mother Gaia’s Ascension: Existing as a 4th~5th~6th, and 7th Dimensional Biosphere
Mother Gaia, since her commencement of existence, has existed in higher 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional planes of reality. Mother Gaia has always been a Library of Life, for this is her divine state of being.
Until recently, Mother Gaia, had to experience 3rd Dimensional reality, and this diminish her divine status, to a certain degree, for thousands of years, in linear time. Mother Gaia, her own soul (Light) called upon greater Light to enter through her in order to ascend higher. Mother Gaia is now free of 3D realities, and has shifted into higher 4th, 5th, 6th, and now commencing her beginning stages of the residing in 7th dimension reality.
Through the pure Light of Omni-Universal Creator, with the divine assistance from many universes, and galactic and inter-galactic Light Families, from our Universe and many other Universes, Father Sun, Mother Gaia, and all planets here have been returned to their Divine states of being, a Light Solar System as a collective energy.
3D realities no longer can exist on Mother Gaia for she is ascending into and initiating the 7th dimension. Mother Gaia only allows higher 4d, 5d, 6d, and 7d Light Beings to reside within her soul, and/or on her body and will no longer hold 3d realities/beings.
Mother Gaia rejoices for she no longer allows Dark to manifest. Mother Gaia, now and throughout all eternity, will exist in higher dimensional states of realities. She has completed, entirely, the 3rd dimension, and no longer will need to venture down to 3D anymore and will not allow this to ever occur.
Mother Gaia, father Sun, our solar system, from now on, will continue to stay on course with ascension and will not look back, anymore.
Mother Gaia is as Brilliant and Beautiful as she Divinely is. Mother Gaia’s purpose is known, and felt wholeheartedly for she loves all that has existed within and upon her, and rejoices that her cries have been heard for Mother Gaia is loved immensely through out all of Creation.
As I continue to become an Ascending Light Gaian, only through her love, will I be allowed to continue to exist upon her body.
Thank you, mother Gaia, father Sun, for all the Light and Love that you have shared with humanity, and I share my Light and Love with you, for only through your existence, shall I exist.
Thank you, our Galactic, Inter-Galactic, Universal, and Multi-Universal Light Families who have assisted in this monumental solar system Ascension, and our Universal Ascension.
May The One Bless All As One.
RC Towers.