President Barack Obama
White House, Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. President,
It’s with a sense of disappointment that I reply to your response to our petition asking you to disclose the presence of extraterrestrials on and around our planet. (1) I reply as one of the organizations (The 2012 Scenario) that promoted this petition even though I, as a Canadian, did not sign it.
I state from the outset that I am friendly to your presidency and have been your supporter since the beginning of your campaign and remain so, as a cursory examination of my Internet site will show. (2) I urge you to hear these comments therefore as coming from a friendly source, and not from someone who wishes you ill.
I’m aware of the situation you face as President. For instance, I’m aware of the tsunami of partisan and unjustified criticism that your opponents have leveled against you since the day of your election, criticism that has unjustifiably lost you a great number of friends.
As one example of it, while you established to my satisfaction your own birth in the United States, your opponent in the last election, John McCain, was born in Panama and a previous President, George H.W. Bush, appears most likely to have been born in Germany. But nothing is made of these facts and allegations although they’ve been repeatedly made publicly. This is just one indication from many that the flood of propaganda against you is simply designed to cripple your Presidency. (3)
I’m also aware of the threat of assassination from such quarters as the CIA “black operations” unit or certain units of the U.S. Armed forces that has hung over those who publicly acknowledged the ET/UFO presence. (4)
I’d remind you that we in the Disclosure community who press for acknowledgement of the friendly ET presence have in the past willingly faced that threat of assassination as well as the risk of government harassment and loss of employability. But we continue to speak out because we know that disclosing the presence of peaceful extraterrestrial civilizations is of such importance to humanity that the risk to us is acceptable. We look to you to show the same courage and willingness to bear risk.
I’d remind you as well that your government routinely asks the men and women of America to face death in Iraq, Afghanistan and other theaters of war. The failure of members of your Administration to face that risk as well would seem to me to be a contradiction.
To say that I understand the reasons for your lack of transparency is not to say that I support them. I’m saddened that an opportunity such as this has been missed to reveal to the world that friendly extraterrestrials exist and are visiting the Earth for peaceful reasons at the present time. I’m especially saddened because you yourself initiated the device of petitions to the White House and yet your response seems to belie a lack of serious intent in addressing the issues therein raised.
I’m disappointed because we believe, on reasonable grounds, that Presidents like Dwight D. Eisenhower met with extraterrestrials (5) and that the Government of the United States has made treaties with them as well. (6)
I’m disappointed because the evidence of a UFO cover-up has been presented so broadly that I’d think it impossible for the United States Government to prolong its policy of denial and cover-up without losing all public credibility. (7) I think it not far-fetched to assert that an entire generation knows the details of your cover-up. Those of us who know the truth will no longer be silent or support your silence.
I’m disappointed as well because we’re reasonably convinced that the United States operates a secret space fleet called “Solar Warden,” (8) routinely flies spacecraft to Mars and back (the TR3-B Aurora), (9) has bases on Mars and the Moon as well, and regularly meets with extraterrestrials there. We know as well the existence of jump rooms to Mars, (10) of teleportation devices to terrestrial bases, (11) and of time travel. (12)
I’m disappointed also because it’s a matter of public knowledge that your armed forces and contractors have back-engineered materials like Kevlar and Teflon and devices like the silicon chip, laser, fiber-optics, anti-gravity technology, and stealth technology from downed spacecraft such as that which crashed at Roswell. (13)
The response of your science adviser to our petition seems to reflect a desire by your administration to continue the deception of the public. We’d like to point out that the response of the public generally, through mass demonstrations like the Occupy Together movement, signals a rejection of such a policy of opaqueness and deception. We’d also like to remind you that you yourself rejected such a policy upon running for and assuming your office.
Let me review some of the evidence that reveals the truth of the situation, the extent of public knowledge of the ET/UFO presence, and the friendly actions of the ETs to encourage us to disclose without forcing the situation.
Increasing numbers of former government employees are breaking the enforced policy of silence on the matter of ETs and UFOs. The Disclosure Project and the Hastings Panel (14) are comprised of military officers, former government personnel, and contractors who know that UFOs exist and who, sometimes at the risk of their careers and sometimes at the risk of their lives, come forward to confront the Government’s policy of denial.
Routinely, hundreds of videos of UFOs appear on YouTube. So as not to frighten us, the peace-loving extraterrestrials, most of whom are human in appearance and are in fact our forebears, usually maintain a respectful distance from us.
But they’ve appeared in fleets, distantly seen, above such cities as New York, London, Seoul, Mexico City, Lima, and elsewhere. (15) They’ve appeared in dramatic circumstances such as the sighting above the Dome on the Rock. (16) They’ve appeared around catastrophes like the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, the Icelandic volcanic eruption, etc. There are even photographs circulating of them appearing at your political rallies. (See the photo at the top of this story.)
Routinely as well, representatives of galactic civilizations issue messages to terrestrials and have been doing so since a British TV station was interrupted on Nov. 26, 1977 to carry a message from the Galactic Federation. (17)
While SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) trains its linked arrays of radiotelescopes on outer space listening for clicks and beeps, the rest of us regularly read extraterrestrial messages from representatives of the Galactic Federation, which is currently around the planet in millions of cloaked space vehicles. (18) They won’t interfere with us until invited. Unlike us they respect the universal laws, including the Law of Freewill. (That having been said, they are here on a mission and will decloak at some point if no response is forthcoming from us.)
To us, it seems more than anachronistic that all contemporary scientists deny the existence of intergalactic life and claim to have no knowledge of its nature. We’d be happy to enlighten them on those matters if they’d ask us. Our knowledge of galactic culture and technology is growing by leaps and bounds which all will enjoy once the ET presence is disclosed and their ships can land among us. There is nothing to fear from their presence and much to be gained by everyone on Earth.
That the extraterrestrial fleet here to assist us at this time is friendly has been shown by their actions: they’ve prevented nuclear bombs from being exploded on this planet; they’ve prevented wars from breaking out such as American and Israeli attempts to start a war with Iran; they’ve neutralized the toxic components of nuclear bombs, depleted-uranium weapons, chemtrails, and pandemics (manufactured at Fort Detrick); they’ve prevented numerous wars and false-flag operations from being perpetrated; they’ve moderated the impact of storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions which have been deliberately triggered by rogue military elements who themselves received the weather-warfare technology from equally-rogue extraterrestrial civilizations.
These rogue civilizations such as the little Greys and others have been responsible for the many abductions of the past fifty years, which could only have come about because of treaties with primarily the American government which allowed the acts to occur in return for ET technology. The benign fleet that surrounds the Earth at the present time has delivered this planet from the little Greys, who can no longer approach the Earth.
Had the Galactic Federation wished to do us harm, they could have done so at any time in the past several decades during which they’ve protected this planet against others who meant us harm, including many in our own governments.
You can see then that an entire generation is growing up that’s well aware of the UFO cover-up and gaining knowledge every day of all aspects of space civilizations and cultures. It’s impossible for you to pretend that extraterrestrials don’t exist and foolhardy of your government to try.
Your Administration missed this opportunity to abandon the cover-up by responding in an intelligent and wise manner to our petition. But we won’t let up in our attempts to convince you – that is, before the extraterrestrials themselves disclose their presence. Our position is simple: honesty is the best policy and the population at large no longer can be deceived in the same way it has up until now without the Government experiencing the consequences.
Sincerely yours,
Steve Beckow
The 2012 Scenario
(1) Our petition can be found at . Your response can be found there as well, entitled “Searching for ET, But No Evidence Yet” by “Phil Larson who works on space policy and communications at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy,” dated Nov. 4, 2011. It says in part:
“The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.”
(2) “This Site is Pro-Obama” at
(3) On John McCain, see . On George H.W. Bush, Born George H. Scherff, Jr, see “This President Was Not Born an American Citizen,” at ; for examples of other sites posting these reports, ; ;; etc.
(4) I allege that the following people were assassinated in whole or in part because of their desire to disclose the ET/UFO presence: Secretary of Defence James Forrestal, President Kennedy, Phil Schneider, Billy Cooper, and CIA Director William Colby.
(5) Michael E. Salla, PhD, “Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials:
The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact?,” Research Study #8, Revised February 12, 2004, first published January 28, 2004, at
(6) “From the Book: Behold A Pale Horse Published in 1991 By Milton William Cooper, former United States Intelligence Briefing team member. (Born the 5th of May 1943 and killed on the 6th of November de 2001)” at ; “SECRET TREATY [between] The United States Government and Extra-terrestrial Entities by Richard K. Wilson and Sylvan Burns” at
(7) For instance, see “A Wall of UFO Secrecy since the Earliest Days” at or “Fred Burks: Astronauts, Admirals, CIA Chief Reveal UFO Cover-up” at . These are just two of the round-ups of the U.S. Government’s UFO cover-up.
(8) See “ Ed Komarek: More Background on Solar Warden” at; “Ed Komarek: Four Major ET/UFO Issues” at; “Ed Komarek’s Round-up on ET and UFO Topics” at . Also: Michael Salla, Ph.D., “Star Trek vs. Solar Warden – The Real Space Fleet,” Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner, May 8, 2010, at ; “DoD confirms reality of secret SOLAR WARDEN space project to UFO researcher” at
(9) Here is a video of the TR3-B:
(10) “A conversation with Andrew D. Basiago about the hidden history of his discovery of life on Mars” at (this is just one of many references to the matter, which Andrew Basiago has discussed in videos and radio shows as well). Also see “An Important New Statement From Henry Deacon [Arthur Neumann],” 17 December 2007
from ProjectCamelot Website, at
(11) Basiago at
(12) Donna Anderson, “Andrew D. Basiago discusses time travel and the Pegasus Project,” Coasto to Coast Radio Examiner, Nov. 13, 2010, at Also “Coast 2 Coast PROJECT PEGASUS, U.S. Space Time Program and Teleportation” at
(13) Some of these inventions like the silicon chip and fiber-optics are discussed here: . See also Philip J. Corso,” Wikipedia, at; Richard Boylan, “ET Base on Earth Sanctioned by Officials Since 1954 Confirmed” at ; Nick Pope, “Roswell officer’s amazing deathbed admission raises possibility that aliens DID visit,” Telegraph, Jun 30, 207, at A simple Google search will reveal many more sources. I personally heard from two engineers at Hughes Aircraft that Hughes had back-engineered the silicon chip from materials salvaged from the Roswell spacecraft. My own account has been reproduced here: Here is another indication of the accuracy of that story:
(14) See on the Disclosure Project and , Part 1 (four hours of witness testimony are contained in this series of videos), and on the Hastings Panel.
(15) Videos of fleets can be seen at “Compendium of Fleets,” at
(16) Dome of the Rock video at
(17) The broadcast can be heard here: The points it makes are consistent with numerous other messages from space nations.
(18) The best galactic messages, in my opinion, come from the Galactic Federation and are found on websites such as, and .
Great compilation here called
Great compilation here called why NASA lies.