~11~11~11: The Age of Crystalline Co~Creatio n~
Hello all,
Collectively we have made the step into a New Age as of October 28th 2011. We have now entered the age of collective "conscious" co-creation. Yes, we all have been co-creating the world to this point but most have been "un-consciously" aware of their true God Self Creator power and abilities. All that happens in the days, months and years ahead is simply the aligning and un-locking of the infinite potentials within the consciousness of humanity.
The dates such as 8-8-88, 9-9-99, 10-10-10, 11-11-11, and 12-12-12 are time markers. Portals within time that were set in motion to awaken the collective. This series of activated time portals aligns the energies within our physical bodies and DNA with the expanded frequencies of our own higher existence. Some of you over the last few years may have been repeatedly seeing these numbers on your digital clocks and many other places. This timed sequence has been expanding the frequencies of our DNA and energies on Earth. Just like the seasons within nature the trees and other elements "know" what time within Creation it is. This has been the same with the Earth and Universe. Even though our mental minds may not be aware of everything that has been going on, the elements within us that are One with the Earth "know" what time it is! It is the birthing of another cycle of physical experience. Transforming from one form of consciousness and physical experience into another. Our consciousnesses are awakening out of viewed linear time to seeing all from the eyes of continuous time in the present. There is no end, all just continually transforms within the same time and space. The dates such as 11-11-11 and the days and months following them are stepping stones of our own evolution. It is not something that happens over night it is a process.
On 11-11-11 there will be millions of people around the world joining together in Unity. Many have felt that change is here and are simply joining together with others to simply "Be One" in Love and Unity with all. The act of joining together assists the integration and balancing of the expanded frequencies of Light, Love and Goddess energies. Our minds may not be able to comprehend/understand or be able to "know" all that there is to come, however we can "know", relax and simply enjoy the experience from the eternal eye that exists within our hearts. There is no fear that resides within this space of your heart. From there you will be able to see and experience the New World for which is dawning! From here we are Creating the ground for which to walk on. : )
Love and peace to all! Namaste : )