~Laura : Message from My Higher Self: The First Contact~

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Laura : Message from My Higher Self: The First Contact


Laura from Her Higher Self, Nov. 6, 2011




Today is yet another sunny day for you dear beloved friend called Laura. You are my expression in physical form and your efforts to connect with me daily touch me very much. You know how to best quiet your emotions and your mind in order to have access to the light of information and love that I can provide for my incarnated self. When you close your eyes and sit in a quiet place, you can connect with me and I transfer my light, I cover you in my love for you and we are one again for this brief moment during the day.

Seek to renew contact with me throughout the day, if only for a minute or two. Do it as many times as you remember. This will help you in your journey of search for the light. In a way this is similar to the process of First Contact that you seek. I am your first point of contact with the higher realms. I shall lead you into deepening your trust in me and in our extraterrestrial friends. Your connection with them is an ancient one, in fact, as you already know it, you incarnated here in order to be an open channel of communication for your star brothers. You incarnated here in order to bridge the higher dimensions with duality. Duality, which you still struggle to understand.

First Contact between you and them, and physical contact with the ones you seek is closer than you believe. You have not allowed them to materialize in front of your eyes in the past because of your anticipated fear. However you and your star brothers know that for some time where there was fear, there is only love. Your efforts in seeking them out have paid off as you will soon see. This will not make the news, there is no need for petitions for this to happen. Just ask them to materialize for you, and they will. They know you are ready to reunite with them and to continue your work on a different level now.

Before this year ends, you will be in their presence. You will see them, you will go to their meetings, you will help them understand the physical word and the emotions that are contributing in slowing down planetary Ascension. I am one of the voices you hear when you close your eyes and open your heart. Sense your back, sense your spine and you will become aware of your breath, and of all that surrounds you in the physical realm and in the higher realms. If only your eyes could be open to seeing the light in each human and the light of our Father Creator. You would not only see what your limited in frequency eyes are seeing, you would see the princes and princesses around you, you would see their true Higher Self, you would see the angelic beings all around you, you would see how we love you and protect you all.

We are like the birds you watch in your skies, we have different colours, we are made from goldlike ethereal matter, and this matter has many properties unknown to the human mind. Distance and time is not our reality. In fact I know parts of you are still stuck in time, it is as if though you have stopped growing and built protective armour around you when you were seven years old. Moving into a different country at such a young age, has closed your heart off, and it waits to be reopened.

Renew your communion with me daily, and I will show you the way in repairing the past hurts and reconnect with your present and your future. Already your Future has been talking to you, which is encouraging. Now you will have to take an inner journey with me into your past and your past lives past. This will be necessary in order to reconnect with your brothers from inside the spaceships, as it will bring on fully your memory of them and of your friendship to each and everyone of them.

Trust in God, trust in yourself. We are all part of the Great One Consciousness of our Father / Mother Creator.

Be blessed
Your Higher Self
