The Moon Hippie Mystic - The Magician’s Secret…

Doreen Smith's picture



October 22, 2013  The Moon Hippie Mystic

For Odet: We are so Grateful for your donation, my Friend.  It Created a Beautiful Opening for us on an energetic level in the “work” we are doing.  Feeling Blessed!

The curtain opens and the Magician steps onto the stage in front of a large audience as they wait with bated breath to see the show.  We watch in Awe and Wonder as magic bursts forth in front of our very eyes.  How do they do these things?  We are always searching for the Magician’s Secret both on the stage and in our very own Lives.  The brilliant thing about searching for Magic in our own Lives is that it is so very, very simple.

There is a key to unlocking Magic in our Lives in order to grow and learn in Spirit.  The key is, and always has been, an “attitude of gratitude” but what does it really mean?  We are human and spiritual BEings all at once and it is our great challenge in Life to balance our “ego” mind with our Spirit, or Heart center.  We cannot be in “fear” and Love all at once as they cannot co-exist in the “higher realms” we seek to find which means we cannot be in “lack” and abundance at the same time either.

When we are struggling in any area in our Lives we find ourselves in a place known as “survival” mode.  Survival mode comes on in any given number of situations including our relationships, finances, and health.  We have to understand that the path to Spirit is an emotional journey and when we feel survival mode coming on it’s typically a great opportunity to plow the field but it can also be taxing and painful.  Stress and fear are the biggest obstacles in Life when if comes to BEing Healthy, both physically and emotionally.  Our emotions are the key to Spirit and when they come, positive or negative, it is the Universe (or our Higher Self) expressing itself through our feelings.  None of our emotions are “bad” and there’s nothing “wrong” with any of them but we have been conditioned to think otherwise, for the most part, so when in survival mode we are typically in a fight or flight situation which can cause a feeling of “panic”.  If we can shift our ourselves into a place of Allowance with our emotions we find that they are there to help us grow and learn although at times this makes us feel vulnerable in many ways.  When times get tough emotionally it can lead us to a place of feeling like the path of Spirit isn’t “working” because in order to find Joy we also have to rid ourselves of the lower vibrational emotions which means we have to see them, feel them, and let them go on a cellular level.  Not such an easy task when there is emotional pain involved as it is in our very Nature to avoid “pain” so to actually be Grateful for the pain is another step up the proverbial ladder.  This is why it’s called Spiritual PRACTICE and it takes practice to “get it right”.

Energetically there is a great deal of “chaos” in the “field” as we Awaken from the density of the fear-based, lower vibrational emotions.  This means that we are all in the process of Healing which is a Beautiful thing by its very Nature and something we can all be Grateful for on both an individual and collective basis.  Truths are surfacing in every aspect of our existence and some of these truths can be painful on an emotional level and the pain comes in the form of feeling unworthy and unlovable.  In short, our emotions are the way we “communicate” with Spirit and/or our Higher Self so this is how we let Spirit know what brings us Joy and what brings “pain”.  When we focus on only the pain or negativity we find more pain and negativity to greet us and in order to shift this perspective it’s almost as easy as turning on a switch – the switch of Gratitude.

In the Art of Bushido a “warrior” is expected to find Gratitude when a weakness is exposed because it Allows an Opportunity to reinforce the armor if you will.  Whenever we are feeling “lack” we are not in a Spiritual place, period.  Although the “lack” may be very, very real it should not ever be the primary focus as this is what makes the lack seem and feel more intense.  If one can’t find Gratitude in a given situation it’s okay to go back and find Gratitude from areas of the past or future in order to lead us to the place of NOW where we live moment to moment as is intended.  When we find Gratitude for the things in Life that are pleasing to us we REceive MORE of the things that are pleasing to us!  However, it’s not enough to just think “thank you” and move on rather we have to Allow ourselves the intense EMOTION of Gratitude.  Think of oneself as a weary wanderer in the desert who hasn’t had a sip of water in days and suddenly the oasis appears bringing an overwhelming sense of Gratitude at this most Magical sight.  This is the Emotion of Gratitude that must be felt and not just spoken in order to be effective.  It takes practice to really embrace the Emotion of it and to Allow oneself to feel it Truly.

It’s okay to start small as it’s the little things in Life that bring the most Joy.  A bright blue sky, the smell of an infant, the autumn leaves on the trees, or the smile from a dear friend are all “simple” things to be Thankful for.  Once we begin it doesn’t take long to to feel truly Blessed and by stoking the fire of Gratitude we find ourselves on a completely different path where Life and Love become Free and Easy.  We  have to BElieve we are Worthy of the Love, Joy, Happiness, Peace, and/or stability we are seeking and the feeling of BEing Worthy is also a tremendous Gift.  When we feeI, on an energetic and cellular level, that we are Worthy of our own Happiness we can begin to feel the Gratitude even more profoundly.  When we Allow ourselves to feel Grateful for even the negative areas of our Lives, because it’s showing us something about ourselves deep withIN, we find ourselves feeling Blessed which is also a Gift in and of itself.  But, there’s even more as one grows in the practice of Gratitude…there really IS Magic!

The best way to really encompass Gratitude into our energetic field is by beginning a Gratitude journal or specific practice.  This seems simple, I know, but it consistently surprises me how many people who are unwilling to incorporate this very simple practice into their Lives.  If you don’t know where or how to begin there’s a great book called “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne which is an accompaniment to the book “The Secret”.  It’s a daily 28 day practice of marrying oneself to the emotion of Gratitude and couldn’t be more simple.  When we embrace this practice our Spiritual or energetic signature begins to Create synchronicities and openings in our Lives which we can rely on by way of our Intuition.  Solutions to problems previously thought of as “unsolvable” suddenly have the most simplistic answers.  When we are Grateful for our relationships, good or bad, they automatically get better.  When we are Grateful for our financial status, good or bad, we find more opportunities to grow the bank account.  When we are Grateful for our Positive and Loving emotions we REceive more Positive and Loving ways to express them.  When we are Grateful for our Health and our bodies we begin to Heal, both physically and emotionally.  REmember, we are a society of “instant gratification” and it’s easy to slip back into a feeling of “lack” when things don’t show up when or how we are expecting.  The Universe or your Higher Self knows what you need, and in what order, more than you do sometimes so stay Patient and Grateful as you work through the process.  Just because we can’t SEE it in our physical world doesn’t mean it isn’t there or on its way so don’t give up just as the seed is beginning to burst forth with Life.  REmember that Self wants Self to be Happy and Self knows that you are Worthy of REceiving this Gift.

Music to drive it Home (just TRY it…)


 We would like to Lovingly ask if you would please consider a donation/energy exchange today.  The Mr. and I have been working with several families on a pro bono basis and would be truly Grateful for the energy exchange.  Please stay tuned for the Blueprints for Butterflies blog talk radio show coming soon!

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coaching based on Heart-based Healing. Please e-mail us at for more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

