I am feeling an interconnection within the back of my head Once again, Everytime I read my information new codes enter my being since there based on a unifying concept within the unconscious mind or subconsciousness, when I read it, it can trigger attemps to realocate some info from the higher brain functions and by connecting new pathways, it enables me for my next part of assimilation of info. The more you read from your creations in the higher realms and conscious creation's the more you experience a unity cycle bound by no laws affecting the lower cycles. Free will is all the deciding factor to what we want to experience but one thing is for sure when I read and read, it begins to add up, the concepts and free will choice to push for that extreme extent. The consciousness rises and I give away my free will to work at all times on the energies. After a while it get's scary as hell because I have no more choice it goes by itself. I was wondering if they are trying to perfect singularity for the rise in our consciousness the machines they utilize (Quantum based frequency forms "Bands") Maybe I should not talk about this because that might be what get's me to figure things out by which I clearly state paranormal activity happens A LOT when I go there by which the previous cycles from the nostrodamus predictions on a parallel from the same timeline opposing the knowledge from the past and bringing it up to date from extreme trance states within DNA unlocks. We have keys in us and these keys help us maintain our soul purpose on this Earth, without those keys we would need to rely on other people to rise to where we can experience something more to life... and to acquire these keys We need to be extremely careful because if ones are not ready to experience one level by which another has experience can cause extreme deballancement in the chemistry of the brain. I feel this machine is self sufficient and works metaphysically with energy intensifying the DNA's codons by paradoxing the brain. Either that machine is just to HELP or is the actual thing governing the higher realms by which it could be called god or source... The other machine I'm talking about is HAARP and similar machines like that but they should really come out with all of the machines they utilize I got a good Idea that's not ever going to happen because either it's for intervention or we are not ready for this stuff or it is just to be used in case we need it for its purpose by which is all encompassing... close to November 22 when ISON Passes watch what will happen... This comet was send here for a purpose the same way they send sattelites slingshot around earth to get to another place this comet has extremely intelligent lifeforms carying with it may they be metaphysical or physical the ancients have sended us a suprise haha
Namaste I got enough for 2day Be at One
No cycles begun here
So I can clarify nothing is above normal within this post