~A Week of Wonder~
Today I feel a renewed sense of invigoration, so I will share with you some insights that have come to my attention. You may or may not remember a blog I posted in june called Comet Elenin 11/11/11http://thefederationoflight.ning.com/profiles/blogs/comet-elenin-11... I mentioned in that blog an asteroid called YU55.
'What is little known, is at the same time as elenin there is an asteroid coming pretty close to the earth aswell. It is called YU55. YU55 will pass closer to the earth than our moon! What is unusual about this asteroid is that is dosn't spin. To me this indicates that it is infact a ship. Elinen will pass to our front and YU55 to our back.'
In SaLuSa's message today he said the following;
'Whatever happens, we are well on our way to starting the New Year with a victory over the dark Ones. As next week approaches two events are standing out, one is the arrival mid-week of what has been incorrectly described as an asteroid. It is in fact an intelligently controlled craft, and it remains to be seen how it interacts with your Earth or Moon.'
Now I'm willing to stick my neck out and predict that we will see a display of craft this week I don't know on what scale it will be but I'm hoping for undeniable proof. I hedge my bets on this because of what the wonderer's of the skies also said today;
'You will shortly be seeing a major display of our ships in a large city of a European country as an affirmation from us that we are here, we know your concerns, we know your fear, we know your pain and your discontent. Let this be our measure of comfort for you, our friends. It is always darkest before the dawn. This was never to be an easy trail to follow but you have done so magnificently. We cannot be more proud of you. We have just such a little ways more to go and you will indeed begin to see that we mean business.'
I'm also thinking that this week and next week are of significant importance to lightworkers so maybe some fleet councils see it fitting to give the ground crew some indication that all is commencing. This could be what blossom was referring to in the last channelling when they said;
'It has been discussed and 'mulled over' in 'our quarters' that events are to be given a makeover ... as you would say in your world. It has also come to our attention that due to disheartening procedure that has not proceeded it would be beneficial for those of you who are integrated with the energies that are flowing forth ... to be able to determine that which is about to be diligently discussed.'
So here's to hoping and to the power of faith. Please add your energy to this so we can meet them half way. To say we intuitively new it would happen. And If it doesn't, so what. I have little concern any more for the judgement of others. At least we tried to be heard.
Blessings to all you bright sparks of divine light.