Solar flares – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 27, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture




(Translated from original language german)

My Child, You may groan under the intensity of the energies that the solar flares carry to you. The purpose of these energies are, to wake you up more and to prepare you for Ascension. The intensity of the light will increase more. You can compare this with your dawn. It will be brighter and you will finally wake up. So it is with the energies of the light. You do not see them already, but feel them in your whole body. Again, my advice to allow, to rest much and drink plenty of water so your body can handle the energies better. We are observing you and the effects of the energies on your body exactly. Nothing is left to coincidence, that doesn’t exist at all, and we make sure that there is not too much for you. ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.



I wish for

Mario's picture

I wish for simplicity in this and a continual process in the awareness needed to acquire these energies on a larger scale. My awareness is just one of many but I wish it to be on an acceleration to expand my views and conscious abilities, can you help me out here? I'm almost falling in depression every day in the past week, my neuro pathways are on a different line then before I need some unlocks and a good night sleep with codes within my dreams to help me accel, these energies are to soft right now usually they bounce me right up and begin a synch. Can you all work out the machines as you did in december so I can go back to my knowledge based on the ancients, "the past times" decreed by whaterver hell is out there for me now. I haven't gone on a trip since the august 22-23 and that week was a good expansion, now that I've utilized that process and attain good keys I want these new neuro pathways to gather momentum in my awakening. The magic is all gone and the waiting game should not need to be, I have a guardian and speaking from him he appears to be busy theres a purpose for me here on earth and I want to be able to see it clearly. The time given in these concepts and past trips where enormous now let's all accel I'm bored falling in depression all I try is the same old same old we need new miracles where are they. If they are in me then how do I utilize them and work on these energies again. Staying put is not all that fun but I got no choice. Usually things would go well and at the extremes I havent dwelve in them since that little peak on contact 2 days ago, so I ask can we plz figure something out to enable contacts and abilities to unlock on a quicker rate thank you.


I remember in the past months

Mario's picture

Reading things would let me sit in an energy space and my crown and pineal would be affected greatly these I enjoyed whats the stop for not enough money? Seems the ships are waiting for something but Im not sure what exactly. I feel like I want to go home for the first time in a long time whats my purpose here again? Seems to me were on a standstill its been a while a long while. Maybe if I could encounter my guardian face to face again things would get better, wheres all the body chemistry manipulation I didn't have any unlocks in a while.

Let's figure out

Mario's picture

Whats the next part of my mission is what can I do where can I beggin working again in these energies I'm a sitting duck for A while now, I ask for a part in my mission may it be energie vortexes or accelerations or training annything to partake in this conquest of abilities to start seeing the parallels and acquire good brain activity once again I'll train to enable the new concepts to pore in and I'll come teach them in the near future whenerver that is, might it be only for accels so shall it be, the new earths concepts 4*88 all of this, is old now, and we need new paradigms within concepts to enable that good reconfiguration and training.


Whom can bring these up

Mario's picture

It all begins with the pineal , do concepts within and teach to reconfigure as GRinD did, it enable unlocks on an accelerated stage within and trilapse's the brains barriers or should I say lack of activity to see beyond the void and awaken to our true purposes. If anyone can be blessed enough to experience this so let it be and he or she or it will tanderize the process of assimilation and bring uptakes to the conscious ability to bring about awakenings everywhere. Follow the wave and teach from one to many for this single point is a tidy bit of the whole that constructs those ittle imprints within our codons.

Anyways I'll leave it be and wish for the best to see what is capable of arriving at me in the midnight hours

Peace and Love


To all of us

Mario's picture

The midnight hours should accel some key parts in us, when the coronal mass ejections or coronal streams start again let it be so strong that we can't even move and enable the new information to pore in and transpire the infinitys with energy uptakes and accel at every corner of perception we aquire within our awareness.

Be at One